Wheel of Fortune History Wiki

The Home Wedge was one of the gameplay elements on Wheel of Fortune.



Used exclusively during Home Sweet Home weeks starting in Season 38 (starting April 26, 2021), sponsored by Latitude Margaritaville. It is a sparkly, dark blue wedge placed over $550 during the first three rounds. The wedge bears the logos for Latitude Margaritaville and Minto Communities, as well as palm leaves and a wide picture of a Margaritaville house that extends past the wedge's borders. Although it resembles a Prize wedge, it offers no additional cash per consonant if claimed. Similarly to the Million-Dollar Wedge, the contestant has to solve the puzzle in which he or she claimed it, and then take it to the Bonus Round without ever landing on Bankrupt. Should the contestant lose it to a Bankrupt or round loss in Rounds 1 or 2, the wedge is put back on the Wheel for the next round. If the contestant manages to take the wedge to the Bonus Round, a second "Home" envelope is added to the Bonus Wheel in addition to another one in place by default, doubling his or her chances to win a $375,000 house in a Latitude Margaritaville community.

The home was won on April 27, 2021 by Laura Trammell. She did so with the single "Home" envelope and did not land on the Home Wedge during the main game.
