Wheel of Fortune History Wiki

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A timeline for Season 36 of Wheel of Fortune, which aired in first-run from September 10, 2018 through June 7, 2019.

Season Changes[]

  • The studio intro from Season 34 is used with one modification: two of the buildings now have graphics of Pat and Vanna waving at the viewer, which are sometimes altered for the theme of the week.
  • The show's logo has the previous season's "35th Anniversary" text removed, resulting in the actual logo being off-center.
  • When a contestant calls a letter, the letter appears in a white circle on the bottom left corner of the screen. A red slash appears through it if it is not in the puzzle or has been called already. Because of this, the logo and "America's Game" bugs are no longer used.
  • The generic contestant circle wipe is altered to remove the "35" in the center.
  • No road shows are done this season.
  • For the first time since being offered regularly, the $50,000 Prize in the Bonus Round is not won all season.
  • Same Name once again reverts to always using an ampersand.
  • Closed captioning is now done by Los Angeles Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc. (LADB).

September 2018[]

  • September 10 is Teacher's Week, taped July 26. During this week, the opening graphic has pictures of Pat and Vanna in grade school added to two of the buildings.
  • On September 11, Round 2 is the first appearance of Classic TV since January 9, 2013.
  • On September 13:
    • The Prize is a $10,200 trip to Spain.
    • For only the second time, Headline is used in Round 4.
  • On September 14, six rounds are played.
  • September 17 is Gone Fishin', taped August 9. During this week, the Season 28 Outdoor Adventure Week intro is used, which features the Pat and Vanna Wii avatars fishing.
  • On September 17:
    • Wheel is pre-empted on several NBC affiliates by the 70th Primetime Emmy Awards and the preceding red carpet arrivals, which are held on a Monday this year instead of the traditional Sunday. The episode is re-broadcast on July 29, 2019.
    • Dr. Oz makes a cameo in the closing segment. Footage is shown of him, Pat, and Vanna demonstrating CPR techniques on dummies in front of the puzzle board.
  • On September 18:
    • Although the $3,000 Toss-Up is People, the category strip for Person is put up instead. Also, Pat's announcement of the category appears to have been corrected in post-production.
    • Places makes only its third known appearance in the Bonus Round.
  • On September 19, the first sentence of the Mystery Round announcement is changed to "Did one of our Wheel Watchers just win $10,000?", while the onscreen text at this point now reads "Did you just win $10,000?"
  • On September 21:
    • The Round 1 puzzle THERE'S A FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING has two spaces between TIME and FOR.
    • Contestant Alexa, who does not solve her bonus puzzle, misses the $1,000,000 by only one envelope.
  • September 24 is California Coast, taped August 23. During this week, the Bonus Round is sponsored by the Netflix original series The Good Cop, a trailer of which is shown before the Bonus Round on Monday and Thursday.
  • On September 26, six rounds are played.
  • On September 28, Vanna wears a shirt and pants.
  • All ten Bonus Rounds are lost on the weeks of September 17 and 24, part of an eleven-day loss streak through to October 1st. This is also part of a four-week span beginning on September 17 where only two Bonus Rounds are won.

October 2018[]

  • October 1 is Shopping Spree, taped July 27. During this week:
    • The opening graphic has videos of Pat and Vanna carrying shopping bags on two of the buildings.
    • For only the second time, four Crossword Rounds are done in one week.
  • On October 1:
    • Contestant Sheena leaves with $64,700 despite losing the Bonus Round.
    • Pat jokingly walks extremely close to the camera during the credits, a moment which goes viral. Likely because of this, Game Show Network airings do not "crunch" the credits.
  • On October 2:
    • The Prize is $6,000 credit to ebates.com.
    • The Retro Bonus Round is not done.
    • For unknown reasons, when this week is rerun during the week of May 11, 2020, the October 2 episode is replaced with the April 8, 2019 episode. However, it is still included with the rest of this week on Netflix, Pluto TV, and Game Show Network.
  • On October 3, no puzzles are done that fit the theme of the week.
  • October 8 is Spa Getaway, taped August 24. During this week, the Season 28 Wii avatar intro from World Class Spas Week intro is used.
  • On October 8:
    • Wheel is pre-empted on several East Coast CBS and NBC affiliates by the swearing-in of Brett Kavanaugh. Although the episode is re-broadcast on November 16, 2019, it is once again pre-empted on most East Coast CBS affiliates by overrun from an SEC college football game. It airs a third time on March 30, 2020.
    • The Prize Puzzle offers a $10,990 trip to Barbados.
  • On October 9, the Retro Bonus Round is one not previously used on this feature.
  • On October 10:
    • Rounds 1 and 2 are played entirely by the contestants who began them.
    • The Prize Puzzle offers a $10,976 trip to Jamaica.
    • Pat references a cut "null" cycle at the start of Round 4 by saying "There is, however, an S" despite no previous wrong letters airing.
  • October 15 is Great Outdoors, taped August 10. During this week, the opening animation is the Pat and Vanna avatars rowing a canoe, followed by a zoom onto the traditional logo on one of the canoe paddles. Unusually for an episode with a Wii avatar opening, Jim does the "From the Sony Pictures Studios, it's America's Game!" announcement over the animation.
  • On October 15:
    • Contestant Jeffrey lands on Express on the first spin of Round 3 and fills in the entire puzzle BOUTIQUES & RESTAURANTS by himself.
    • A "null" cycle is not edited out of the Speed-Up.
  • On October 16, a "null" cycle is not edited out of Round 1 (Lose a Turn, an incorrect V, and another Lose a Turn).
  • On October 17:
    • The Round 4 puzzle SLY AS A FOX is shorter than 10 letters.
    • Contestant Maureen finishes with only the Prize Puzzle package, and no other cash or prizes.
    • Contestant Ashley finishes with only $8,600 before the Bonus Round and wins by only a $100 margin.
  • Both the original airing and the June 13, 2019 rerun of the October 18 episode are pre-empted on most FOX affiliates by Thursday Night Football and the U.S. Open, respectively.
  • On October 19:
    • Pat references a cut "null" cycle in Round 4 by saying "Nate, back to you" on his first aired turn.
    • In the final segment, Pat and Vanna show three clips: the previous day's winning contestant James being jumped on by his wife Esther after winning the Bonus Round, a similar reaction from the winning contestant Renee on October 8, 1998, and then that same episode's closing chat, in which Pat says "16 years on the show, and you've never jumped on me like that" and Vanna replies "Well, you've never given me a car."
  • October 22 is Veterans Week, taped September 26.
  • On October 22, after the Bonus Round, Jim announces that all of the week's contestants will receive a package of products that have been promoted on Shark Tank.
  • On October 23:
    • The $1,000 Toss-Up ROCKET SCIENTIST is not themed.
    • The Prize is a $10,064 trip to Fiji.
    • The bonus puzzle (COUGARS IN THE WILD) is a rare instance of one under three-and-a-vowel rules to have at least one each of R, S, T, L, N, and E.
  • On October 24:
    • Contestant Nikki fills in the entire Round 3 puzzle IT'S ALL I EVER WANTED by herself.
    • Nikki's score is accidentally shown as $20,103 after she solves Round 3. It is corrected to $19,903 before the $3,000 Toss-Up.
    • A "null" cycle is not edited out of Round 4 (an incorrect B, a Lose a Turn, and a Bankrupt that does not take anything away).
  • On October 26:
    • The daily affiliate ad includes a clip of the "A GROUP OF PILL-PUSHERS" incident from 1999.
    • Contestant Carolyn fills in the entire Round 3 puzzle LISTENING TO A SALSA BAND by herself.
  • October 29 is Home Sweet Home, taped September 13. During this week:
    • The show holds a contest in which home viewers may enter for a chance to win a house at Latitude Margaritaville in Hilton Head (Hardeeville), South Carolina or Daytona Beach, Florida. This is promoted during the week of October 22 through a clip which shows contestants named Rachel, Kyle, and Peggy playing, and Rachel solving the puzzle WHEEL IS GIVING AWAY A HOUSE NEXT WEEK! The promo is changed slightly during the week of the contest to replace the word NEXT with THIS. The "contestants" in this ad appear to be actors, and they are all wearing nametags in the 1997-2013 style.
    • There is a cold open in which Pat and Vanna stand in front of the puzzle board, which shows a phrase relevant to the sweepstakes. Pat says, "It's a first for Wheel, and our biggest giveway ever!", followed by Vanna saying, "You could win a home sweet home in paradise, located in Latitude Margarativaille." After a beat, Vanna says "Pat, what are you doing?" (on Monday-Wednesday) or "What happened?" (on Thursday and Friday) and Pat replies with a joke related to the lyrics of "Margaritaville" by Jimmy Buffett:
      • Monday: The board reads ONE LUCKY VIEWER COULD WIN A HOUSE! and Pat's response is "Searching for my lost shaker of salt" while looking behind the puzzle board.
      • Tuesday: The board reads WE'RE GIVING ONE LUCKY VIEWER A NEW HOUSE! and Pat's response is "Strumming my six-string" while pulling out a toy ukulele.
      • Wednesday: The board reads WE'RE GIVING AWAY A HOUSE! and Pat's response is "Nibbling on sponge cake" while pulling out a piece of cake.
      • Thursday: The board reads YOUR NEW HOME IN PARADISE AWAITS! and Pat's response is "I stepped on a pop top" while grabbing his leg.
      • Friday: The board reads A NEW HOUSE COULD BE YOURS! and Pat's response is "I blew out my flip-flop" while holding a broken flip-flop.
    • All of the Prizes and Prize Puzzles are trips to Margaritaville Resorts.
    • Except on Tuesday, Jim promotes Latitude Margaritaville after Round 2.
  • On October 31, there are two sets of duplicate categories: Rounds 1 and 3 are Phrase, while the $2,000 Toss-Up and Bonus Round are What Are You Doing?

November 2018[]

  • On November 2:
    • The ding does not sound when the W is revealed in Round 2.
    • The closing segment is done entirely in silence, with Pat and Vanna "communicating" through thought bubbles while relaxing in chairs, with the only sounds being the laugh track.
  • The week of November 5 is America’s Game.
  • On November 5:
    • As it is the sixth episode of Teacher's Week, three teachers play.
    • The Prize is $6,000 cash courtesy of Care.com.
    • A "null" cycle is not edited out of the Speed-Up.
  • On November 6:
    • Wheel is pre-empted on several ABC and CBS affiliates by midterm election coverage.
    • When this week is rerun during the week of May 4, 2020, the November 6 episode is replaced with the April 10, 2019 episode, likely due to the closing segment featuring Pat and Vanna acknowledging Election Day and encouraging viewers to go out and vote.
  • On November 7, Vanna wears a shirt and pants.
  • On November 8, no puzzles are done that fit America's Game or the theme of the corresponding taping week (Shopping Spree).
  • On November 9, there is a $100,000 loss by contestant Jonathan, who says the answer just after the buzzer.
  • November 12 is Great American Cities: Washington, D.C., taped September 27. During this week, the retro Bonus Rounds are not done; instead, Pat and Vanna do a bumper after Round 2.
  • On November 12:
    • The Prize Puzzle includes a trailer the fourth season of the Starz TV series Outlander.
    • A "null" cycle is not edited out of the Speed-Up.
  • On November 13, the Gift Tag is $1,000 cash courtesy of Brown's Car Stores.
  • On November 14:
    • The Gift Tag is a $1,000 debit card courtesy of TLC Laser Eye Centers.
    • The Round 2 puzzle FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION is the only Proper Name puzzle between Seasons 27 and 42 to be something other than a famous person, sports team, or college.
  • On November 15:
    • The $1,000 Toss-Up, Round 4, and Bonus Round are Phrase, and no puzzles are done that fit the theme of the week. This would suggest that the original $1,000 Toss-Up was thrown out and replaced.
    • The Gift Tag is $1,000 cash courtesy of Long Fence and Home.
    • Contestant Amber says that her childhood dream was "to be the next Vanna White". After she plays the Bonus Round, Pat escorts Amber to the puzzle board and has her gesture at the puzzle with Vanna.
  • On November 16, there is a $100,000 win, the only one in the season.
  • November 19 is Happy Thanksgiving!, taped September 14. During this week, the Gift Tag is a $500 gift certificate to Bates Turkey Farm and $500 cash.
  • On November 19, the Prize copy includes a trailer for the 30th anniversary DVD and Blu-Ray release of Scrooged, a copy of which is included in the prize package.
  • On November 20:
    • Eleven turns are lost in Round 2.
    • The Prize Puzzle footage is in standard definition.
    • During the $3,000 Toss-Up, contestant Gina initially pronounces the $3,000 Toss-Up PROVINCETOWN as "Provinceton". After Pat hesitates before ruling, she corrects herself. Pat accepts her answer and states that either pronunciation is correct. Before the Bonus Round, Pat explains that it was eventually realized that "Provinceton" is not an alternate pronunciation, invalidating Gina's answer. Since this error did not affect the final outcome, Pat announces that rather than take away $3,000 from Gina, they will instead award $3,000 each to the other two contestants (one of whom finished the game with no money, raising her final earnings from $1,000 to $3,000).
  • On November 21:
    • Contestant Whitney solves the bonus puzzle just after the buzzer. Pat explains that her answer will be checked during the break. In the post-game chat, Pat and Vanna said that the buzzer did beat her.
    • After the Bonus Round is lost, the puzzle is revealed like one that is solved: the entire answer fills in at once and the board's border flashes.
  • November 26 is European Vacation, taped October 11, sponsored by Collette. As is usual for most Collette weeks, most of the Prizes and/or Prize Puzzle trips are over $10,000.
  • On November 26:
    • Pat and Vanna read parts of the Prize copy.
    • Six rounds are played.
  • On November 27:
    • Jim is shown on-camera after Round 1.
    • There is a ½ Car win.
    • For the first known time, Events is used in the Bonus Round.
  • On November 28, the $2,000 Toss-Up is the last appearance of TV Title until October 2021.
  • On November 30, contestant Immani is brought back due to a buzzer malfunction on her original episode, which aired on December 23, 2016. This is the first known instance since 2008 of a contestant being brought back due to an error.

December 2018[]

  • December 3 is Winter Break, taped November 8.
  • On December 3:
    • Six consecutive turns are lost in Round 3 (an incorrect A, Lose a Turn, two Bankrupts, another Lose a Turn, and a third Bankrupt).
    • Six consecutive wrong letters are called in the Speed-Up, but only the latter three are edited out.
    • Events makes only its second known appearance in the Bonus Round.
  • On December 4, the Prize Puzzle copy includes a trailer for the DVD and Blu-Ray release of Mission: Impossible – Fallout. Given the value of the Prize, it is likely that a copy of the movie is included as well.
  • On December 5:
    • Vanna wears a shirt and pants.
    • The Prize Puzzle (GETTING READY FOR YOUR TRIP) is categorized as Phrase instead of Event.
    • In the closing chat, Pat and Vanna discuss the Carnival Mardi Gras cruise line, and Vanna reveals CARNIVAL MARDI GRAS on the puzzle board while the "puzzle solved" cue plays.
  • On December 6:
    • The Retro Bonus Round is one not previously used on this feature, and the most recent puzzle to be used in this feature (BLACK TIGHTS from November 26, 2010). It is also accidentally identified as being from 2001.
    • Pat and Vanna read part of the Prize Puzzle copy; unusually, Pat also reads the value of the trip.
  • December 10 and 17 are the Secret Santa Sweepstakes, taped October 25 and 26. Unlike last year, the Prizes and Gift Tag are not cash.
  • On December 10:
    • The Prize is a $12,900 French cruise.
    • In Round 2, Bev is credited with $1,500 when she solves the puzzle. Before Round 3, Pat points out that a vowel was not deducted from her score, and corrects her total to $1,250.
  • On December 11:
    • The Prize is $6,000 cash and a 4K digital copy of It's a Wonderful Life.
    • The Prize Puzzle I WAS HOPING YOU MIGHT SAY THAT is the fourth of five prior to Season 41 not to be themed to the prize.
  • On December 12, contestant Jacob is the brother of contestant Jason Maraz who competed on April 11, 2003.
  • On December 13, there is a $100,000 loss.
  • On December 18, the Prize Puzzle copy includes a trailer for Holmes & Watson.
  • On December 19, Same Letter appears in Round 3 for the last time.
  • On December 20:
    • Both Rounds 1 and 2 are completely filled in before being solved.
    • There is a ½ Car win.
  • On December 21:
    • The Prize Puzzle offers an $11,398 French cruise.
    • The original Round 4, which begins as a Speed-Up, is thrown out due to an audience member shouting out the answer.
  • December 24 is Home for the Holidays, taped October 12. During this week:
    • The opening graphic has Pat and Vanna playing with Santa hats.
    • There is a bumper after Round 1 in which staff members give holiday greetings:
      • Monday: producers, accompanied by "Up on the Housetop"
      • Tuesday: production staff, accompanied by "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen"
      • Wednesday: marketing, promotions, and publicity departments, accompanied by "Up on the Housetop"
      • Thursday: art department, accompanied by "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen"
      • Friday: stage crew, accompanied by "Up on the Housetop"
    • There is another bumper before Round 3 in which staff members give holiday greetings:
      • Monday: production staff, accompanied by "Deck the Halls"
      • Tuesday: licensing department, accompanied by "Jingle Bells"
      • Wednesday: contestant department, accompanied by "O Christmas Tree"
      • Thursday: post-production, accompanied by "Deck the Halls"
      • Friday: Control room, Robert Ennis, and Jim, accompanied by "Jingle Bells"
    • The Mystery Round bumper music has sleigh bells added.
  • On December 24, in the final segment, the closing chat from December 21, 2010 is shown.
  • On December 25:
    • The original $1,000 Toss-Up FRIENDLY VISIT is thrown out due to a buzzer malfunction. As a result, the replacement $1,000 Toss-Up GOODNESS GRACIOUS is not themed, and both it and Round 4 are Phrase.
    • The $2,000 Toss-Up is Thing, but the category strip for Show Biz is put up instead.
    • Pat and Vanna read the Prize Puzzle copy.
  • On December 26:
    • The Prize is $6,000 cash and a DVD/Blu-Ray combo pack of Goosebumps 2, a trailer of which is shown.
    • The winning contestant (Zakiya) finishes with only $9,250. This is the last instance to date of a four-digit final score.
    • During the closing chat, Pat and Vanna show a clip from the December 10, 2015 episode of Vanna getting a prop present stuck to her dress.
  • December 31 is America's Game.

January 2019[]

  • On January 1, as it is the sixth episode of Veterans Week, all three contestants are veterans.
  • On January 3:
    • The daily promo shows a clip from one of the Hawaii episodes in February 2001.
    • The Retro Bonus Round is one not previously used on this feature.
    • The Gift Tag is $1,000 cash courtesy of Krispy Krunchy Chicken.
    • Six rounds are played.
  • On January 4:
    • The $2,000 Toss-Up is revealed before the wipe appears. As a result, three letters are already on the board by the time it is seen.
    • Pat and Vanna read most of the Prize Puzzle copy.
  • January 7 is Weekend Getaways, taped November 9. During this week, the opening uses the Wii animation from Season 28's Get Out of Town and Road Trip weeks, featuring the Pat and Vanna avatars riding in a convertible in the desert.
  • On January 8, Pat, Vanna, and Jim do a segment on the previous season's Collette sweepstakes during the closing chat.
  • On January 9:
    • Contestant Heidi is identified by her nickname Heidi Ho on her nametag and the drop-down score displays.
    • Round 3 is only the fifth known appearance of Landmarks.
    • Round 4 (TEENY-WEENY) has only one vowel.
    • Six rounds are played.
  • On January 11:
    • The bonus puzzle (FLIPPING THROUGH PAGES) is a rare instance of one under three-and-a-vowel rules to have at least one each of R, S, T, L, N, and E.
    • There is a $1,000,000 loss by contestant Kaia who solves just after the buzzer.
  • January 14 is Sunny Portugal, taped November 29, sponsored by Collette. During this week:
    • There is a cold open in which Pat and Vanna promote the theme.
    • Home viewers may enter each day's bonus puzzle on the show's website for a chance to win a trip to Portugal.
    • All of the Wheel Prizes are trips to Portugal, with Pat and Vanna reading part of the copy. As is usual for Collette-sponsored episodes, the Prizes are all over $10,000.
  • On January 15:
    • The winning contestant (Joel) finishes with only $8,250 before the Bonus Round, which he wins. This is the last four-digit main game winning score to date, regardless of whether the Bonus Round is won.
    • In the final segment, Pat and Vanna interview chef José Avillez at his restaurant Barrio de Avillez.
  • On January 16, there is a $1,000,000 loss.
  • On January 18, the bonus puzzle is BUYING VOWELS.
  • January 21 is Bed & Breakfast, taped November 30.
  • On January 21 and 23, the Gift Tag is a $500 Pajamagram gift card and $500 cash.
  • On January 23:
    • Throughout the episode, Pat refers to contestant Shirley by her nickname "Possum". Against normal practice, the closed captioning also refers to her as such, instead of going by the name tag.
    • The Prize Puzzle (TAKE ME TO THE PLACE I LOVE) is inexplicably categorized as Phrase instead of Song Lyrics.
  • On January 24, there is a ½ Car win.
  • On January 25:
    • The Prize Puzzle I'M TICKLED PINK is the fifth and final one prior to Season 41 not to be themed to the prize.
    • Round 4 (GLOSSY PHOTO) has only one vowel.
    • There is a $100,000 loss.
  • January 28 is Leave Winter Behind, taped December 14.
  • On January 30, Pat forgets to take away Dale's Wild Card after he calls a wrong letter on Express.
  • On January 31, after the Bonus Round is lost, the puzzle is revealed like one that is solved: the entire answer fills in at once and the board's border flashes.

February 2019[]

  • February 4 is the first Aulani Hawaii Vacation, taped December 13. During this week:
    • There is a cold open in which Pat and Vanna promote the theme.
    • The opening features Hawaiian footage over a unique piece of Hawaiian-sounding music.
    • During the open, Pat and Vanna are escorted onstage: by Mickey and Minnie on Monday, a couple in Hawaiian clothing on Tuesday and Thursday, Stitch on Wednesday, and Mickey, Minnie, and Stitch on Friday.
    • During the openings, except on Wednesday and Friday, Stitch can be briefly seen behind the contestants.
    • The Prize is a trip to Aulani Resort, for which Pat and Vanna read part of the copy on-location. Unusually for a team week, it is valued only at $6,191.
    • Married couples compete.
    • Vanna reads part of the Prize Puzzle copy.
    • Disney characters are in the audience.
  • On February 4:
    • Most of the blue team's interview appears to have been edited out.
    • After Round 2, Stitch and Vanna stand in front of the puzzle board, which reads STITCH LOVES VANNA!
  • On February 5:
    • Mickey and Minnie stand in front of the Wheel during the intro.
    • After Round 2, Stitch can be seen operating one of the cameras.
    • The blue team calls the last consonant on the Speed-Up puzzle TIMELESS TALES and then gives a wrong answer, but there is no announcement that only vowels remain until after the red team calls E and solves. This affects the outcome, as the blue team had enough money to go to the Bonus Round had they solved correctly.
  • On February 6:
    • The same Hawaiian couple from Tuesday stands in front of the audience during the intro.
    • Contestants Tia and Michael finish with only the Prize Puzzle package.
  • On February 7:
    • Mickey and Minnie stand in front of the Wheel during the intro.
    • The $1,000 Toss-Up BEACH HOUSE uses only one line.
    • Stitch, Mickey, and Minnie are seen in the audience shot when Pat asks the winning team who they have in the audience.
  • On February 8:
    • The Hawaiian couple is seen at the audience railing during the intro.
    • Pat wears one of Mickey's gloves during the $1,000 Toss-Up.
  • February 11 is Sweethearts Week, taped January 17. During this week:
    • Married couples compete.
    • For the first time since Season 31, the ½ Car tags are used on a week with married couples.
    • The Prize is a Collette trip, for which Pat and Vanna read part of the copy.
  • On February 12, a "null" cycle is not edited out of the Speed-Up.
  • The February 12 and 14 episodes are the only ones on Netflix to leave the Retro Bonus Round intact.
  • On February 13, for only the third known time, six rounds are played during a team episode.
  • On February 14:
    • The Gift Tag is a $500 Pajamagram and $500 cash.
    • Contestants Carmelo and Emma solve the bonus puzzle COZY NOOK with only the C and N revealed before the timer can start.
  • On February 15:
    • Jim is shown on-camera after the interviews.
    • Rounds 1 and 2 are played entirely by the teams that began them.
    • Contestants Megan and CJ spin only once in Round 3 and hit Lose a Turn, and the Speed-Up is solved before they get a chance to call a letter. However, they also solve the $1,000 Toss-Up.
  • February 18 is Great American Cities: Nashville, taped January 13. During this week:
    • Except on Thursday, there is a cold open in which Pat and Vanna promote the theme.
    • A country music-sounding piece of music replaces the usual opening theme.
  • On February 18:
    • The $2,000 Toss-Up DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC? is inexplicably categorized as Phrase instead of Song Lyrics.
    • Carlton Anderson does a closing bumper after the credits.
  • On February 19, Rachel Wammack does a bumper after Round 1.
  • On February 20:
    • Carlton Anderson does a bumper after Round 1.
    • Four consecutive penalty spaces are hit in Round 2 (Two Bankrupts plus one from the Mystery Wedge and one Lose a Turn).
    • In the closing segment, Pat and Vanna interview Rachel Wammack and Sony Music Nashville CEO Randy Goodman.
  • On February 21:
    • Clint Black does a cold open promoting the theme, and another bumper after Round 1.
    • The August 29 rerun of this episode is ironically pre-empted in Nashville by a Tennessee Titans game.
  • February 25 is Girlfriend Getaways, taped January 18.
  • On February 26:
    • For only the second known time, a deaf contestant competes: contestant Lori's teammate, Lorraine, doubles as her interpreter.
    • Round 2 is the first instance of a Crossword Round being repeated verbatim, as the words WINDY WARM COLD UNPREDICTABLE were previously used in exactly the same configuration on May 24, 2017 (albeit with a different category).
  • On February 27, contestants Katreena and Shishina finish second with $20,500.

March 2019[]

  • March 4 is Wheel Across America, taped February 1. During this week:
    • A new animated opening with the Wii avatars is used. It begins with the animation used in Get Out of Town/Road Trip in season 28, albeit with postcards of cities added in, followed by brief shots of the Pat and Vanna avatars in San Francisco, Hawaii, and New Orleans. The animation ends with a shot of the two in Times Square with the logo appearing on One Times Square's digital billboard; this is also used on the center-stage monitor.
    • On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the Gift Tag is $1,000 cash courtesy of Krispy Krunchy Chicken.
    • For no particular reason, no Retro Bonus Rounds are done.
  • On March 4, all three contestants hit Bankrupt consecutively in Round 4.
  • On March 5:
    • The Prize is $6,000 cash and a copy of the movie Instant Family, a trailer of which is shown.
    • Round 1 (OFTEN IMITATED NEVER DUPLICATED) is categorized as Phrase instead of Rhyme Time.
    • Same Name, Before & After, and Same Letter are not used despite no Crosswords being played.
  • On March 8:
    • The $1,000 Toss-Up THAT'S JUST THE BEGINNING is themed to its place in the game rather than the week's theme. However, the $2,000 Toss-Up is themed to the week.
    • The Prize copy includes a trailer for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.
    • A "null" cycle is not edited out of Round 2 (an incorrect N, followed by two Bankrupts, neither of which takes anything away).
    • Vanna reads part of the Prize Puzzle copy.
  • March 11 is America's Game.
  • On March 11:
    • The $2,000 Toss-Up BED-AND-BREAKFAST is incorrectly hyphenated.
    • There are two duplicate categories: Rounds 1 and 3 are Phrase, while Round 4 and the Bonus Round are Fun & Games.
  • On March 12, as it is the sixth episode of Sunny Portugal, the Prize and Prize Puzzle trips are both over $10,000, and Pat and Vanna read the Prize copy.
  • On March 13:
    • As it is the sixth episode of Hawaii Vacation, married couples compete and the Prize is a trip to Aulani.
    • The Prize Puzzle (THERE IS FUN FOR EVERYONE) is categorized as Phrase instead of Rhyme Time.
  • On March 15:
    • As it is the sixth episode of Sweethearts Week, married couples compete.
    • Unusually for an America's Game, no American-themed puzzles are done.
    • There is a ½ Car win.
    • A "null" cycle is not edited out of the Speed-Up.
    • Contestants Taylor and Jonah win two cars: the ½ Car in Round 3, and a Jaguar E-PACE S in the Bonus Round. This is the last time that a contestant or team wins two cars.
  • March 18 is Spring Break, taped February 15. During this week:
    • College contestants play.
    • The Gift Tag and Prize are $1,000 and $10,000 cash, respectively, courtesy of the Wheel of Fortune Free Play mobile game.
  • On March 18:
    • The $1,000 Toss-Up is replaced, apparently due to an incorrect answer being accepted. As a result, the replacement $1,000 Toss-Up (PRICELESS PAINTING) is not themed, and there are two duplicate categories: both the $1,000 and $3,000 Toss-Ups are Thing, while Round 3 and the Bonus Round are Phrase.
    • The Speed-Up puzzle EMBRACE THE CHASE is inexplicably categorized as Phrase instead of Rhyme Time.
  • On March 19, the ½ Car tag between $650 and $900 is placed too high in Round 2, covering the dollar sign instead of the 5. This is fixed in Round 3.
  • On March 20, Title/Author is used for the first time since October 30, 2014.
  • On March 21, the Retro Bonus Round is one not previously used on this feature.
  •  On March 22, a "null" cycle is not edited out of the Speed Up.
  • March 25 is Escape to Portugal, taped February 14. During this week, Pat and Vanna do a cold open promoting the theme. Since this is a sweepstakes week only for the original airings, reruns use alternate cold opens that do not allude to the sweepstakes.
  • On March 26:
    • The Round 2 puzzle HISTORIC FORTRESSES AND MONUMENTS is categorized as Landmarks instead of Places.
    • The bonus puzzle PHILANTHROPIC ORGANIZATION is the longest bonus puzzle to date, at 25 letters.
  • On March 27:
    • Contestant Sam spins over the Final Spin bells. He is allowed to complete his spin, after which the bells sound a second time and Pat does the Final Spin.
    • Neither Thing nor Phrase is used in the main game.
  • On March 28:
    • For the first time since the addition of the Same Letter bonus, the Same Letter is called on a Mystery Wedge. Unlike the money for the letters themselves, the $1,000 bonus is immediately added to the contestant's scoreboard and is kept if the $10,000 is found.
    • Some of the Bonus Round's music cues are timed incorrectly. The transition cue begins on time when the spin is complete, then plays until Vanna finishes revealing RSTLNE, then the "RSTLNE" cue plays while the contestant's letters are chosen and revealed. The actual "contestant's letters" cue only plays briefly before the timer.

April 2019[]

  • April 1 is Delicious Destinations, taped February 28.
  • On April 1:
    • The yellow $600 is changed back to $900 for all rounds instead of just Round 3.
    • Unusually for a Crossword Round that uses only three rows, Round 2's puzzle is on the second through fourth rows instead of first through third.
    • Both trips are over $10,000.
    • The Prize Puzzle offers a trip to the 2019 Maui Jim invitational.
  • On April 2, the $1,000 Toss-Up WORLD FAMOUS CHEF is misspelled ("world-famous" should be hyphenated).
  • On April 3:
    • The Gift Tag is $500 cash and a $500 gift certificate to See's Candies.
    • The Round 4 puzzle SALAD FORKS AND SOUPSPOONS is misspelled ("soup spoons" should be two words). It is also inexplicably categorized as Around the House instead of In the Kitchen.
    • Pat and Vanna do the closing chat on the steps in front of the puzzle board.
  • On April 4:
    • The $2,000 Toss-Up is the last appearance of Movie Quote until the Celebrity Wheel of Fortune episode of February 18, 2021.
    • There is a $100,000 loss.
  • On April 5:
    • The "only vowels remain" beeps sound in the Speed-Up after the red contestant guesses the last consonant but fails to give an answer. The yellow contestant calls a consonant anyway, after which the blue contestant solves without calling a letter. This does not affect the outcome.
    • Contestant Lynnette finishes second with $28,000.
    • There is a $100,000 loss, resulting in the third instance of that envelope being hit on consecutive shows and the first time it is lost twice in a row.
  • All five Bonus Rounds are lost on the week of April 1, part of a seven-loss streak.
  • April 8 is America's Game. As all of these episodes were taped before the Wheel template change, they all feature the yellow $600.
  • On April 8:
    • As it is the sixth show of Girlfriend Getaways, three teams play.
    • Round 1 (DIAMONDS ARE A GIRL'S BEST FRIEND) is inexplicably categorized as Title instead of Song Title.
    • The bonus puzzle (AUTHORS AND BLOGGERS) has at least one each of R, S, T, L, N, and E.
  • On April 11:
    • As it is the sixth episode of Escape to Portugal, the Prize is a trip to Portugal provided by Collette, for which Pat and Vanna read most of the copy.
    • The Retro Bonus Round is not done.
    • The Prize Puzzle offers a $10,998 tour of the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and Mount Rushmore.
    • In the final segment, Vanna promotes her line of yarn and charitable donations that she had given to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.
  • On April 12:
    • It is the sixth episode of Spring Break, so three college students play.
    • The $1,000 Toss-Up FULL-TIME STUDENT is themed to the original taping week instead of America's Game; however, the $2,000 Toss-Up is American-themed.
    • The Prize copy includes a trailer for Bumblebee; given the value of $6,020, it is likely that a copy of the film is also included.
    • In a very unusual move, Round 5 (RIBBONS AND WRAPPING PAPPER) is the longest puzzle.
  • April 15 is Wheel Around the World, taped March 1. During this week, the hosts of international version appear at various points on each episode:
    • Except on Monday, presenting the Prize: Spain on Tuesday, Chile on Wednesday, Denmark on Thursday, Romania on Friday.
    • Doing a bumper after Round 2: Denmark on Monday, Romania on Tuesday, Spain on Wednesday, Chile on Thursday, Turkey on Friday.
    • On Monday and Wednesday, promoting their version of the show during the closing chat: Chile on Monday, Turkey on Wednesday.
    • Pat and Vanna introduce the theme through a cold open. The opening graphic is a globe with several segments on it, each of which shows a clip for an international version, which zooms in and then back out to form the O in the title card "Wheel Around the World".
  • On April 15:
    • Jim is shown on-camera after reading the Prize copy.
    • The Round 1 puzzle BED-AND-BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS is incorrectly hyphenated.
  • On April 17:
    • Both trips are over $10,000.
    • Round 4 (A TON OF FUN) is shorter than 10 letters and has only three unique consonants.
    • No vowels are bought in Round 4.
    • The original Round 5 puzzle PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS is thrown out due to contestant Tyler solving just after the buzzer and having to have his answer checked. This answer is later used in Round 5 on April 21, 2020.
  • On April 18:
    • The $2,000 Toss-Up RARE-COIN COLLECTOR is incorrectly hyphenated.
    • The Prize is an $11,998 tour of Denmark.
    • For no particular reason, the bumper for the show's newsletter, which is usually done after the Bonus Round, is done before Round 3 instead.
  • On April 19:
    • For the first time, a category is repeated for a Crossword Round: Round 1 uses the category It's All Greek to Me, which was previously used on January 26, 2017.
    • Before Round 3, Pat asks Vanna, "Is there something else I'm supposed to do here?", at which point she reveals: REMEMBER LESLY & JUDY'S BIRTHDAYS ARE THIS SUNDAY (referencing both his and Harry Friedman's wives). On the July 12 rerun of this episode, this is edited out. On Pluto TV airings, it remains intact.
    • Once again, the bumper for the newsletter is done before the $3,000 Toss-Up instead of after the Bonus Round. On the July 12 rerun, it is moved before Round 3 to replace the aforementioned birthday references.
  • April 22 is the second Aulani Hawaii Vacation, taped March 14. During this week:
    • Home viewers may submit each day's bonus puzzle to the show's website for a chance to win a vacation to Aulani.
    • The intro features a cold open in which Pat and Vanna promote the sweepstakes, and a piece of Hawaiian-sounding music plays in place of the usual opening theme.
    • Married couples compete.
    • The Prize is a trip to Aulani, and the Prize Puzzle is a Disney cruise or trip to a Disney property. In both cases, Pat and/or Vanna read part of the copy.
    • Disney characters appear on-set:
      • Monday: Mickey and Minnie escort Pat and Vanna onstage, and Stitch appears behind the contestants during the intro.
      • Tuesday: A couple dressed in Hawaiian clothing escorts Pat and Vanna, and Stitch appears in the audience during the intro.
      • Wednesday: Stitch escorts Pat and Vanna, and the Hawaiian couple stands in front of the audience.
      • Thursday: A couple dressed in Hawaiian clothing escorts Pat and Vanna, Mickey and Minnie stand in front of the Wheel, and Stitch appears in the audience during the intro
      • Friday: Mickey, Minnie, and Stitch escort Pat and Vanna, while the Hawaiian couple is seen at the audience railing.
    • On Monday-Wednesday, Pat and Vanna promote a Disney property during the closing chat. On Thursday and Friday, they do the closing chat with Mickey, Minnie, Stitch, and the Hawaiian couple, and the Hawaiian music from the intro plays instead of the usual closing theme.
  • On April 22:
    • No vowels are bought in Round 2.
    • Stitch runs onstage to hug Vanna after Round 2.
    • A "null" cycle is not edited out of the Speed-Up.
  • On April 23, Stitch is seen operating one of the cameras after Round 1.
  • On April 24, Contestants Trevor and Christie finish second with $22,948.
  • Due to ABC's acquisition of broadcasting rights for the NFL Draft, Wheel is pre-empted on West Coast ABC affiliates on April 25 and on all ABC affiliates on April 26. Many of these affiliates make a stronger effort than usual to make up Wheel and/or Jeopardy! (such as moving the episodes to sister stations or airing them in place of the April 27 weekend repeats rather than overnight or not at all) due to the latter show's champion James Holzhauer.
  • On April 25, when Pat asks the winning couple who they have in the audience, Mickey and Minnie are also seen.
  • On April 26:
    • Rounds 1, 2, and 4 are solved for less than the house minimum.
    • In Round 4, the "only vowels remain" beeps after a team guesses the last consonant but fails to give an answer. Both of the other two teams call vowels before the last team solves. This does not affect the outcome.
    • During the credits, the Hawaiian couple does the hula while a unique piece of Hawaiian music plays.
  • April 29 is Island Hopping, taped March 15. During this week, Pat and Vanna promote the upcoming $7K Giveaway (honoring the celebration of the show's 7,000th episode) after Round 1.
  • On April 30:
    • Contestant Joanna mentions that her father was on the show in the late 1980s. The daily promo shows a clip of her father solving the bonus puzzle DESIRE UNDER THE ELMS (confirmed by Joanna to have aired January 14, 1988).
    • There is a ½ Car win.

May 2019[]

  • On May 1, a "null" cycle is not edited out of the Speed-Up.
  • On May 2:
    • After contestant Adam wins the $3,000 Toss-Up, the money is not "cleared" and accidentally carries over to his score for Round 4, which he wins without hitting Bankrupt. The extra $3,000 is deducted from his total before he spins the Bonus Wheel.
    • Occupations makes its first appearance in the Bonus Round.
  • May 6 is Big Money, taped March 28, which is also a celebration of the show's 7,000th episode occurring on Friday. In honor of the latter, a historical clip is shown after Round 2, before Round 3, and before the $3,000 Toss-Up (except on Wednesday, where the only clip is before Round 3, and Friday, where no clip is done after Round 2). As is normal, most clips have their music cues replaced or overdubbed:
    • Monday: Pat and Gervy slapping each other's butts (May 7, 2003); Pat standing in such a way that two cattle horns on a HOUSTON sign appear to be coming out of his head (May 4, 1998); contestant James solving the bonus puzzle GOPHER with just the E and R showing (February 5, 2001).
    • Tuesday: Outtakes from a prize shoot in which Vanna repeatedly flubs the line "Highlight your nightlife" (ca. May 2004); contestant Angela solving TEENY-WEENY (March 1, 1999); contestant Nancy's $100,000 win (May 21, 2003).
    • Wednesday: Pat drawing a picture of Vanna on an Etch-a-Sketch (May 17, 2000).
    • Thursday: Vanna revealing FOR SALE on the old trilon board (February 21, 1997); Pat asking contestant Edward "What was that noise you made earlier?" and then pretending to walk offstage at Edward's response (February 12, 2001); contestant Andrew's $100,000 win (October 24, 2008). The last of these has "boing" sound effects dubbed in, but against normal practice, Charlie's voice is left intact.
    • Friday: Pat telling contestant Mary that "The only reason I'm smiling is because your mother is patting my rear end!" from November 22, 2002; Michelle Loewenstein becoming the show's first $1,000,000 winner on October 14, 2008.
  • On May 6:
    • Pat does not announce the category of the $1,000 Toss-Up.
    • Before the closing chat, Pat and Vanna show a clip of a closing chat from Viva Las Vegas Week in November 21, 2014 where they switch places.
  • On May 8:
    • Neither Thing nor Phrase is used in the main game.
    • Contestant Ebony finishes second with $21,750.
    • Pat and Vanna do the closing segment with Guinness World Records adjudicator Kimberly Partrick, who honors him as the longest-reigning game show host of the same show.
  • On May 9:
    • The Prize is $7,000 cash courtesy of CarGurus.
    • Round 4 (EARNING INTEREST) is categorized as Phrase instead of What Are You Doing?
  • On May 10:
    • It is the show's 7,000th episode, so several puzzles are themed to that.
    • Jim is shown on-camera before Round 2.
    • The Prize Puzzle footage is in standard definition.
    • The Round 4 puzzle TOASTS TO THE HOSTS has only three unique consonants.
    • Contestant Jason finishes second with $20,100.
    • The bumper before the final segment has Vanna holding her phone and noticing that the 7,000th episode is being hyped on social media; when Pat says that "we haven't finished recording the episode", Vanna says that "Jim can fill in for me", followed by a shot of Jim applauding in front of the puzzle board which reads CELEBRATING 7000!
    • In the final segment, Pat and Vanna are onstage with Jim, Harry Friedman, Lesly, and the entire cast and crew of the show, in front of a special sign made to honor the occasion. The sign is shaped like the upper half of the Wheel, with a puzzle board inlaid and a silver "7,000th episode" text. During this, the puzzle board reads 7000 SHOWS! on the top row.
  • May 13 is America the Beautiful, taped April 4.
  • On May 13:
    • The Prize includes a trailer for the 25th anniversary remaster of Forrest Gump.
    • The $3,000 Toss-Up is only the second appearance of Family since November 2013.
  • On May 14, the Retro Bonus Round is one not previously used on this feature.
  • On May 15, the closing segment is a Wheel Changes Lives story on September 24, 2015 contestant Miranda Middleman.
  • On May 16, Round 1 is the first appearance of Husband & Wife since January 15, 2013. The answer, GEORGE AND MARTHA WASHINGTON, is the first instance since 2001 of that category being used for a couple that is not alive at the time of taping.
  • On May 17, Round 1 is the second Crossword Round to have a hyphenated word in it.
  • May 20 is R&R, taped April 5. During this week:
    • The Bonus Round is sponsored by CarGurus, which Jim promotes before said round.
    • The Prize Puzzle offers a cruise valued at over $10,000.
  • On May 21, there is a ½ Car win.
  • On May 22, contestant Victoria finishes with only the Prize Puzzle package, and no other cash or prizes.
  • On May 23:
    • Six rounds are played.
    • The Round 6 puzzle TALENT SHOW uses only one line.
    • Contestant Brittany finishes with only the Prize Puzzle package, and no other cash or prizes.
  • On May 24, nobody solves the $2,000 Toss-Up SNEAK PREVIEW.
  • All 20 Bonus Rounds are lost on the weeks of April 29 through May 20; this is the longest known losing streak in the show's history.
  • May 27 is America's Game.
  • On May 27:
    • There is a jump cut to Pat when contestant Sherrie rings in on the $1,000 Toss-Up, suggesting an edit.
    • The closing segment includes shots of several national landmarks done in honor of Memorial Day, followed by Pat and Vanna discussing that day from the National Mall.
  • On May 28, as it is the sixth episode of Hawaii Vacation, married couples compete and the Prize is a trip to Aulani.
  • On May 30:
    • The Prize is $6,000 credit to Ticketmaster.
    • The Retro Bonus Round is one not previously used on this feature. It is also identified as being from 1992 instead of 1993.
    • The bonus puzzle WAVING is only the third one since 2009 to be shorter than seven letters.
    • There is a $100,000 loss.
  • On May 31:
    • The $1,000 Toss-Up SAN FRANCISCO uses only one line.
    • The Prize Puzzle copy includes a trailer for Spider-Man: Far from Home.
  • Only one Bonus Round is won in the entire month of May, most certainly a record for the fewest wins in any given month.

June 2019[]

  • June 3 is Rail Tour, taped March 7. During this week:
    • The animated intro features the Pat and Vanna avatars waving from an open train door.
    • All of the Prizes are train tours.
    • Unusually for episodes with animated intros, Jim still says “From the Sony Pictures Studios, It’s America’s Game!”
  • Between May 30 and June 3, three Bonus Rounds in a row are What Are You Doing?
  • On June 4:
    • A "null" cycle is not edited out of Round 2 (a repeated R, a Bankrupt that does not take anything away, and a Lose a Turn).
    • The Retro Bonus Round is one not previously used on this feature.
    • The ½ Car is won for the last time.
  • On June 6:
    • The Prize is a $10,586 European train tour.
    • The Gift Tag is a $500 Pajamagram and $500 cash.
  • On June 7:
    • Most TV listings erroneously list Wheel airing at 7:30 PM Eastern/Pacific on the MeTV network (along with Jeopardy! at 7:00 PM). This is likely due to Burlington, Vermont affiliate WPTZ moving the shows to their digital subchannel, affiliated with said network, due to being pre-empted by a local jazz festival, a local programming change that ended up on the national MeTV schedule. In all other markets, MeTV airs two episodes of M*A*S*H as usual.
    • The Prize is a $10,058 Canadian tour.
    • The buzzer does not sound on an incorrect E in Round 2.
    • The Prize Puzzle copy includes a trailer for Men in Black: International.
    • The $3,000 Toss-Up is played for the last time.
    • Neither Thing nor Phrase is used.
  • All five Bonus Rounds are lost on the week of June 3, part of a nine-day losing streak beginning on May 28. This is also part of a seven-week span beginning on April 22 where only three Bonus Rounds are won. It is speculated that the bonus puzzles became more difficult due to James Holzhauer causing Jeopardy! to become so severely overbudget that Wheel's budget began to suffer as well, though this is never confirmed.


  • On the August 3 rerun of the April 11, 2018 episode, a segment titled "Checking In With..." is added after the Bonus Round, featuring contestant Marcy from January 24, 2019.