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A timeline for Season 38 of Wheel of Fortune, which aired in first-run from September 14, 2020 through June 11, 2021.

Season Changes[]

  • Mike Richards replaces Harry Friedman as executive producer.
  • Pat is now credited as a consulting producer.
  • As of this season, due to several episodes last season changing air dates and/or being cancelled as a result from the COVID-19 pandemic, production numbers are now 43 greater than the actual episode count. For example, the season premiere is numbered S-7231, but is actually the 7,188th nighttime episode.
  • The Sony Pictures Television logo now reads "Sony Pictures Television Studios" and is revealed with a single high piano note. Unlike the previous logos, the word "Sony" is not in the font of the company's logo. Weekend repeats through January 23, 2021 still use the previous logo.
  • If a visitor wishes to solve the previous show's Bonus Round puzzle, they must now do so before 4:00 PM Eastern (previously 5:00 PM).
  • The 404 page now features an animated GIF of the "Pat and Vanna pie-throwing" flashback clip, "404" in the form of a Wheel wedge, and the text "The requested page was not found. The page may have been moved, or the link could be outdated. Please return to WheelofFortune.com".
  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, various changes are made:
    • Nearly all contestants this season are from the Los Angeles area, due to Wheel refusing to allow contestants to fly in. Those that are not are from surrounding areas including San Diego, San Francisco, Palm Springs, Santa Barbara, Bakersfield, Fresno, Sacramento, Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Tucson. While Jeopardy! eventually resumes casting contestants from the East Coast mid-season, Wheel does not do so until Season 39.
    • All contestants are tested before coming to the studio, and all staff members are tested regularly.
    • No audiences are present, except for the other contestants of that particular taping session (who are now asked to stay for the entire day, instead of being allowed to leave once completing their own show). In addition, this means that contestants do not have guests in the audience. As a result, almost all audience sounds are added in post-production (including not only the applause machine in use since at least Season 19, but also shouted suggestions for Mystery and Express hits where applicable). Despite this, Pat still acts as if there is an audience.
    • For the first time since Season 5, there are no team weeks.
    • The contestant area is extended and curved more outward, so that the contestants are six feet apart from each other and at least six feet apart from Pat.
    • Due to the above statement, the red and blue arrows are moved, resulting the flippers now being eleven pegs apart instead of seven.
    • When a main round ends, Pat remains at his podium, instead of walking up to the contestant who solved.
    • Contestant auditions are now held exclusively online.
    • Contestants must refrain from making any physical contact with Pat or Vanna.
    • Contestants now grab hold of the Wheel pegs with a plastic tube (which Pat calls the "White Thing") that fits over the pegs instead of using their hands. Pat also has a tube of his own to do the Final Spin for this season only. This piece is actually a grip that goes on the end of telescoping poles used to clean swimming pools, and can be purchased at various online pool supply stores. These are not used for spinning the Bonus Wheel.
    • Any cardboard that is lost to Bankrupt is now placed in one of two bags behind the podiums (one between red and yellow, the other between yellow and blue), instead of being handed over to Pat.
    • A metal railing is added behind the contestant area.
    • The panels behind Pat's area are rearranged slightly, with the one containing the show's logo now adjacent to the monitor at center stage. This was presumably done because the extended contestant area and subsequently-adjusted directing would result in the logo panel being obscured by Pat.
    • For this season only, Pat does the Final Spin from the red position, and the contestant steps back as he does so.
    • During the Bonus Round, the contestant spins the Bonus Wheel as usual, but crosses to their spot by themselves, and Pat takes the envelope and stands at the Bonus Wheel during the entirety of the round.
    • If the car is won, contestants walk up to it and open the door instead of Vanna.
    • Pat, Vanna, and the winning contestant stand further apart during the credits.
  • The graphic showing what is on the reverse of a Mystery Wedge is no longer used.
  • Except for weeks with other sponsors or where otherwise noted, the Toss-Ups on Tuesday episodes are sponsored by T-Mobile. During these episodes, the T-Mobile logo also appears on the Toss-Ups category strips and wipes, the latter of which is slowed down to allow the logo to be seen. With the exception of September 15, this is a tie-in to the T-Mobile Puzzle of the Week. After the Bonus Round, a special puzzle is shown which home viewers may submit on the show's website for a chance to win $5,000. The puzzles have any T's rendered in the same font and style as the company's logo. Jim promotes this after Round 1 over a shot of the puzzle board reading T-MOBILE PUZZLE OF THE WEEK, also with the T's altered to match the logo.
    • As a result of the above, Tuesday episodes are rerun less frequently on the weekend feed once it begins including Season 38 episodes; those that are rerun have the T-Mobile promotion edited out and the Toss-Up wipe reverted to the normal one.
  • For about the first two months of the season, "null" cycles are not edited out of Speed-Ups.
  • For the first time since Season 29, no Disney weeks are done. However, at least one was planned.
  • There are several subtle changes in camera angles: the Wheel and board shots are now zoomed out further, and as a result, the category strip is lower, and the Bonus Round contestant window is larger.
  • It seems that from this point onward, contestants are prompted to call vowels in the Speed-Up more frequently than in seasons past. This results in several instances of Speed-Up puzzles managing to have every vowel revealed.

September 2020[]

  • For the first four weeks of the season, the Bonus Round is sponsored by the mobile game Cookie Jam.
  • September 14 is Teacher's Week, taped August 6. During this week:
    • Before the $2,000 Toss-Up, Pat, Vanna, and Jim promote the Make Life Sweeter Giveaway, done in association with Cookie Jam.
    • The Gift Tag is $1,000 cash from Pilot Pens on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday, it is $500 cash and a $500 gift certificate for Mrs. Prindable's.
  • On September 14, contestant Jolena's hometown is never mentioned.
  • On September 17, The 80's is used in the Triple Toss-Up for the first time. This is also the first time it is used as a Toss-Up since Season 35. The first and third puzzles (SIXTEEN CANDLES and WEIRD SCIENCE) are in this category instead of Title, going against the precedent of using only Title for a title that exists in more than one medium, and in different decades.
  • On September 18:
    • Some 7:30 Eastern airings on NBC affiliates are pre-empted by delayed airings of NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt due to its normal 6:30 time slot being pre-empted by the U.S. Open. Tupelo, Mississippi affiliate WTVA airs this episode in an unusually early time slot of 1:00 PM Central.
    • Most 7:30 Eastern airings are cut off during the Triple Toss-Up or Round 4 for special reports announcing the death of Supreme Court associate justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. This coverage also cuts off the beginning of some 6:00 PM Mountain airings.
    • Although this episode is re-broadcast on November 20, 2021, it is pre-empted on all ABC and FOX affiliates, as well as most East Coast CBS affiliates, by college football. Some CBS airings are coincidentally joined in progress around the point where the original airing was interrupted.
  • September 21 is Make Life Sweeter, a partnership with Cookie Jam, taped August 19. During this week:
    • A sweepstakes is held where viewers can enter each night's bonus puzzle for a chance to win $10,000.
    • A mat with the game's logo is placed on the floor in front of the puzzle board, in approximately the same area the projected Wheel of Fortune logo had been displayed during the 1980s.
    • The Gift Tag and Prize are $1,000 and $10,000 cash, respectively, courtesy of the game. After the latter's copy, Jim, Vanna, and Pat promote the sweepstakes.
  • On September 22, T-Mobile does not sponsor the Toss-Ups.
  • On September 23:
    • The Season 34 theme is accidentally used in the intro.
    • The $1,000 Toss-Up HONEY-BAKED HAM is not themed.
    • The $2,000 Toss-Up is only the fourth appearance of Classic TV since 2011.
    • There is a $100,000 loss.
  • On September 24, the applause machine sounds prematurely when the $1,000 and $2,000 Toss-Ups are solved.
  • The September 26 weekend repeat is originally scheduled as the December 30, 2019 episode. However, it is replaced at the last minute with the April 10, 2020 episode. This is likely because the former's closing segment discusses New Year's Eve 2019.
  • September 28 is Road Trip, taped August 20.
  • On September 28, in an unusual move, Rounds 1-3 do not have E in them.
  • On September 29:
    • The wide shot of the Final Spin is a reshoot, as it starts where the official spin ended.
    • In the final segment, Vanna narrates footage of her attending a Zoom viewing party for April 23, 2020 contestant Arzo Mehdavi.
  • On September 30:
    • The Gift Tag is $1,000 cash from roadtrippers.com.
    • Pat forgets to ask contestant Emil to put his Wild Card in the bin after he goes Bankrupt on Express. It is taken away before the Bonus Round.
    • Six consecutive wrong letters are called in the Speed-Up.

October 2020[]

  • On October 1:
    • Round 1 is the first of three Crossword Rounds this season, and the second since Season 34, to have only three words.
    • After the Bonus Round, Vanna promotes the Bob Mackie collection from shopwheeloffortune.com in front of the puzzle board, which reads BOB MACKIE COLLECTION.
  • On October 2, six rounds are played.
  • October 5 is Weekend Getaways, taped August 7. During this week:
    • The "Get Out of Town"/"Road Trip" Wii intro from Season 28 is used.
    • The Gift Tag is $500 cash and $500 credit to Pajamagram.
  • On October 5:
    • Wheel is pre-empted on all CBS affiliates by a postponed NFL game. Although the episode is re-broadcast on December 4, 2021, it is pre-empted again on most CBS affiliates (except most of those on the West Coast) by the SEC Championship college football game.
    • Most 7:00 Eastern airings on NBC affiliates are partially pre-empted due to breaking news coverage of President Donald Trump returning to the White House after being treated for COVID-19. These airings begin shortly into Round 3.
    • Contestant Jenna finishes second with $26,950.
  • On October 6:
    • A contestant audition plug and a plug for wheeloffortune.com are both shown in place of the Retro Bonus Round.
    • After contestant Joaquin asks to buy an E in the Speed-Up, there is an obvious edit. The closed captioning indicates Pat as saying, "Well it's not the way this-- uh, yeah, you'll get an E. It's like I'm confused myself. No money for them, but you get three seconds", although only the last sentence of this exchange is aired.
  • On October 7:
    • As mentioned in the closing chat, contestant Shannon is the first to be selected through the aforementioned online process.
    • After Round 1, Vanna announces the name of the $1K a Day Summer Giveaway Lynnette, and states that the show will also donate $1,000 to the Community Action Partnership of Kern, a food bank local to her.
  • On October 8:
    • Contestant Tracey finishes second with $22,900.
    • After contestant Adam wins a car in the Bonus Round, the closed captioning displays him saying, "I don't even need a car, but I'll take it." This is edited out, though Vanna can be seen laughing at the comment. On the April 16, 2022 rerun of this episode, the caption is removed.
    • Both the original airing and rerun of this episode are pre-empted on most FOX affiliates by Thursday Night Football and the USFL 2022 season opener, respectively.
  • October 12 is Bed & Breakfast, taped August 27. During this week:
    • The Gift Tag is $1,000 credit to bnbfinder.com, who also sponsors each Prize.
    • In the Los Angeles market, KABC-TV airs the episodes in a different order due to Monday Night Football pre-empting a $100,000 win on Monday. Tuesday through Thursday's episodes air on their intended days, Monday's episode airs on Friday, and Friday's episode airs on Saturday; the weekend repeat does not air.
  • On October 12:
    • Bankrupt is hit nine times, five of which are from Round 3 alone.
    • In Round 1, contestant Kelly tries to pick up the Free Play wedge after calling a wrong letter on it.
    • There is a $100,000 win, the first since November 16, 2018.
    • Since the confetti machine malfunctions during the win, Pat and Vanna have the winning contestant hold the $100,000 envelope during the closing chat and then throw confetti on him by hand.
    • In relation to this, Mike Richards is listed as "Mike 'Confetti' Richards" in the credits; this becomes a running gag for any subequent episodes this season with a $100,000 (or greater) win.
  • On October 13:
    • Wheel is once again pre-empted on all CBS affiliates by a postponed NFL game. Because of this, the show's social media accounts announce that any input will be accepted for the T-Mobile puzzle. Despite the pre-emptions, the episode is never rerun.
    • The Retro Bonus Round is not done.
    • Contestant Savvas wins despite losing $19,000 to Bankrupt in Round 3.
  • On October 14, in Round 2, contestant Maurcus tries to call A after spinning, then tries O when Pat prompts him for a consonant, but gets buzzed out just before the latter. Although O is already on the board at this point, Pat only acknowledges that "O is not a consonant."
  • From October 15-23, Wheel is pre-empted on FOX affiliates for up to seven weekdays in a row due to various NFL games, World Series games, and a WWE SmackDown kickoff special.
  • On October 15:
    • The same $1K a Day Summer Giveaway bumper that aired on the 7th airs again after Round 1.
    • Rounds 3, 4, and the Bonus Round are Phrase.
  • On October 16, in the closing chat, Pat shows off one of his answer cards for the first known time.
  • October 19 is the first Wheel Across America, taped September 3. During this week:
    • The title card features a cartoon graphic of a bus driving across a red, white, and blue map of the United States, with various green city signs popping up throughout. The graphic then turns toward the camera with the phrase "Wheel Across America" appearing in white.
    • The category wipe is a graphic of the Wheelmobile, with the honking horn formerly used for the ½ Car tags sounding as it drives across the category strip.
  • On October 19, contestant Cheryl solves the third Triple Toss-Up NEW YORK NEW YORK with only the first K showing.
  • Both the original airing and the October 2, 2021 rerun of the October 19 episode are pre-empted on FOX affiliates, the latter due to Major League Baseball.
  • On October 20, there is a rare instance of a contestant losing their turn with only vowels remaining: with only the U missing from the Round 2 Crossword Round BALLPOINT BULL PIG PLAY (in the category ____ Pen), contestant Allison gives a wrong answer.
  • On October 21:
    • Some 7:30 Eastern airings on CBS affiliates are interrupted after Round 1 due to an FBI press conference on election security. They return during the end of Round 3. The episode is never re-broadcast.
    • The second Triple Toss-Up BALLOON-ANIMAL ARTIST is incorrectly hyphenated.
    • Contestant Tim solves the Speed-Up SALEM MASSACHUSETTS with only the T's showing.
  • On October 23:
    • Round 1 is the first appearance of The 90's since February 19, 2015.
    • Five consecutive turns are lost in Round 2, including a "null" cycle (an incorrect answer, an incorrect P, and an incorrect T) which is not edited out.
  • October 26 is Halloween, taped August 28. During this week:
    • The opening graphic is the same one introduced in Season 28, complete with the distorted opening chant.
    • Jim introduces Pat and Vanna in a "spooky" voice.
    • The Gift Tag is $500 cash and a $500 gift certificate to Mrs. Prindable's.
    • The category wipe is black bats which fly toward the camera.
    • The pre-Round 2 sponsor bumper is done by an unknown "spooky" voice.
  • On October 26:
    • Vanna wears a sleeveless top and pants.
    • Contestant Craig wins despite losing $24,250 to Bankrupt in Round 2.
    • Likely due to the T-Mobile Puzzle of the Week, Retro Bonus Rounds begin to be done on Mondays instead of Tuesdays, even on weeks where the T-Mobile sponsorship is not done.
    • In the closing segment, Pat and Vanna show a clip from the October 29, 2003 episode in which Patrick and Maggie show off their Halloween costumes.
  • On October 27:
    • The Round 4 puzzle THE HORROR THE HORROR has only three unique consonants.
    • In the closing segment, Pat and Vanna show a clip from the October 27, 2003 episode in which Niko and Giovanna show off their Halloween costumes.
  • On October 28:
    • The 90's is used as a Toss-Up for the first time since April 28, 2014.
    • The $1K a Day Giveaway bumper is shown again after Round 1.
    • The ding does not sound when the G is revealed in Round 2.
    • Contestant Sara solves the third Triple Toss-Up WORLD WAR Z with only the Z showing, and the Speed-Up CLOWN COSTUME with only the C's showing. This is the first known instance of two puzzles on the same episode being solved with only one letter.
  • On October 29, contestant Remick solves the bonus puzzle SAVORY APPETIZER before the timer can start.
  • On October 30:
    • Jim is shown on-camera before Round 2.
    • After contestant John solves Round 2, Pat asks him to spin again after realizing that he kicks his leg up every time he spins.
    • The Express display is modified: the contestant window is enlarged, and the score readout and Express logo are moved to a teal rectangle at the top of the screen.

November 2020[]

  • November 2 is Spa Getaway, taped September 23. During this week, the Season 32 Spa Getaway animated intro is used.
  • The November 2 and 3 episodes are swapped at the last second to keep the latter from being pre-empted by the election coverage. This results in the T-Mobile Puzzle of the Week airing on a Monday instead.
  • Between November 3 and 6, Wheel is pre-empted on various days in various markets by election coverage. KABC-TV in Los Angeles delays these episodes by a day. KSBY in San Luis Obispo airs the November 3 episode in an unusually early time slot of 2:00 PM Pacific due to contestant Kim being local.
  • On November 3, the $1K a Day Giveaway bumper is shown again after Round 1.
  • On November 5:
    • The $1,000 Toss-Up refuses to activate for a few seconds.
    • The $2,000 Toss-Up (FRIENDLY STAFF MEMBERS) is the longest puzzle of the game.
    • Two "null" cycles occur during the Speed-Up.
    • On the December 18, 2021 rerun of this episode, the Retro Bonus Round is edited out.
  • On November 6:
    • A "null" cycle is not edited out of Round 3 (an incorrect T, a Lose a Turn, and a repeated T).
    • The bonus puzzle (NOTHING TO QUIBBLE ABOUT) is longer than all but one maingame puzzle.
  • On November 9, a Variety article confirms that ABC has greenlit a primetime celebrity edition called Celebrity Wheel of Fortune.
  • November 9 is America's Game. Starting this week, except on Tuesdays, Pat, Vanna, and Jim promote the upcoming Secret Santa Sweepstakes before the $2,000 Toss-Up.
  • On November 11, Wheel is pre-empted on several ABC affiliates by the Country Music Association Awards' "virtual red carpet". KABC-TV delays the episode to Saturday the 14th, replacing the weekend repeat.
  • November 16 is Ultimate Adventures, taped September 4. During this week, the Wii avatar intro from Season 28's Outdoor Adventures week is used.
  • On November 16, contestant Alex adds "I'M" to the beginning of the Speed-Up puzzle DECLARING VICTORY, and is ruled incorrect, though he wins regardless. This mistake goes viral on social media.
  • On November 17:
    • Contestant Kameelah solves the second Triple Toss-Up THE SUPER BOWL with only the R revealed.
    • The third Triple Toss-Up is THE BONUS ROUND.
  • On November 18:
    • All three of the Triple Toss-Ups (KEVIN BACON, HALLE BERRY, and VANILLA ICE) use only one line.
    • Bankrupt is hit ten times.
  • On November 19, the Round 2 Crossword Puzzle KEY CODE OUT PORT (in the category Pass ____) uses only 11 spaces, the fewest ever used by a Crossword Round.
  • On November 20:
    • For unknown reasons, Pat states contestant Caitlin's hometown as Nashville, the only hometown this season not in Southern California or surrounding areas (not counting towns contestants are "originally from"). A promotional tweet from KABC-TV states that Caitlin is actually from Santa Monica.
    • Caitlin mentions that her husband, Chris, was also on the show.
    • The Round 2 puzzle WOW! WHEE! WHOOPEE! has only three unique consonants. Pat and the contestants' reactions on the first aired turn (Allison calling W) make it extremely obvious that at least one "null" cycle was edited out.
  • November 23 is Fabulous Food, taped September 24.
  • On November 23:
    • Contestant Jade's hometown is never mentioned.
    • The $2,000 Toss-Up is only the fifth appearance of Classic TV since 2011. This is also the first time since Season 23 that it has been used more than once in a season.
  • On November 24, contestant Nicholle mentions that her mother was on the show 34 years ago.
  • On November 25:
    • Contestant Darin mentions that his mother was on Vanna's "very first show" in 1982. However, his wife later states on Twitter that Darin's mother, Nancy, was not one of the contestants on Vanna's first permanent show, likely meaning that he was referring to one of Vanna's audition episodes. Despite this, the daily promo uses footage from Vanna's first permanent show, although the footage does not feature any contestants.
    • After Darin solves Round 2, a Crossword puzzle with the clue "Kitchen _____" that includes the word OVEN, he asks Pat, "Who calls it a 'kitchen oven'?" Pat jokingly calls Darin an "ungrateful player" and yells, "I've had it!" After Round 4, Pat says to Darin, "I'm sorry I yelled at you, Darin. I just don't remember your mother giving us trouble like this." On the June 30, 2021 rerun of this episode, Pat's "outburst" is mostly edited out likely due to negative headlines about the incident following the original airing. However, Pat can still be heard saying, "Just teasing," and his comments after Round 4 are left intact.
    • Round 3 and the Triple Toss-Ups are Phrase.
    • The bonus puzzle ICING SPATULA is a now-rare instance of the bonus puzzle being themed to the week.
  • On November 26, the Retro Bonus Round is one not previously used on this feature.
  • On November 27:
    • Some East Coast ABC affiliates do not begin the show until Round 1 due to slight overrun from a college football game. The full episode is re-broadcast on July 2, 2021.
    • For only the first time this season, a "null" cycle is edited out of the Speed-Up.
    • For the first time since Season 28, the "only vowels remain" beeps sound immediately as the last consonant is called in the Speed-Up, which becomes the norm from this point onward. During most of the intervening seasons, the beeps would either not sound at all (which was more common in the 1980s and 1990s), or they would sound on the next turn if the contestant who called the last consonant failed to solve. This change in ruling is likely due to the latter having affected the outcome on more than one occasion.
    • Contestant Katie finishes second with $21,274.
  • Starting November 28, the weekend run begins airing episodes with Bonus Round wins and losses in an alternating pattern. This pattern is not broken until February 27, 2021.
  • November 30 is Shopping Spree, taped September 25. During this week, the Prize is a $7,000 shopping spree.

December 2020[]

  • On December 1, there is a $100,000 loss.
  • On December 2:
    • Vanna wears a sleeveless top and pants.
    • The 70's is used for the first time since June 4, 2014. The puzzle, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND, was the puzzle used last time as well.
    • Contestant Angelita finishes second with $20,700.
  • On December 3:
    • Sheryl starts spinning before Pat reveals the category in Round 1. Pat stops her in mid-spin, and there is an edit to reset the Wheel to its proper starting position.
    • The Retro Bonus Round is not done.
    • In Round 3, after contestant Sheryl picks up the Gift Tag, she asks to buy a vowel while Pat is still describing it. Pat tells her to "never interrupt the plug." In conjunction with the incident on the November 25 episode, this comment caused criticism in the media over Pat's behavior. As with the prior incident, Pat's comment and Sheryl's apology are edited out on the July 8, 2021 rerun of this episode, though both can still be heard laughing about the exchange.
  • On December 4:
    • Wheel is pre-empted on the ABC O&O's by a holiday shopping special. The episode is re-broadcast on July 9, 2021.
    • For the first known time, the "No More Vowels" graphic is used in the Speed-Up.
  • All five Bonus Rounds are lost on the week of November 30, part of an eight-day losing streak through to December 9th.
  • December 7-18 is the Secret Santa Sweepstakes, taped October 7 and 8, sponsored by Consumer Cellular. During these two weeks:
    • The Gift Tag and Prize are $1,000 and $7,500 cash, respectively, courtesy of Consumer Cellular.
    • The category wipe alternates between strings of Christmas lights and the Pat avatar driving a sleigh.
    • Unlike on previous Secret Santa Sweepstakes episodes, the contestants who do the intro are not the same ones from that particular episode. Also, the gameplay footage features clips from future episodes rather than previous ones. One such clip spoils contestant Cody from December 18 winning Round 2 with the Prize and having a total of $20,750 at that point.
  • On December 7 and 8, Wheel is pre-empted on most East Coast FOX affiliates due to two postponed NFL games. Although the episodes are re-broadcast on July 12 and 13, 2021 (with different SPIN ID's), the December 8 episode ends up being pre-empted again on all FOX affiliates due to the MLB All-Star Game.
  • On December 8, 16, and 17, there is a segment after Round 2 narrated by Vanna in which contestants from the taping session share their Christmas traditions. The segment on the 16th features three contestants, while the ones on the 8th and 17th feature two. These are all accompanied by an instrumental version of "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen".
  • On December 8:
    • The 70's is used as a Toss-Up for the first time since April 9, 2013.
    • Jim is shown on-camera before Round 1.
  • On December 9, Pat and Vanna promote Consumer Cellular's donation to Toys for Tots in the closing segment.
  • On December 10:
    • Before contestant Brandi spins in Round 2, Pat lets her mention her husband, since she did not do so during her interview.
    • All three contestants hit Bankrupt consecutively in Round 3.
    • Contestant James solves the third Triple Toss-Up COMET AND CUPID with only the second D showing.
  • On December 14:
    • 7:30 Eastern airings of Wheel are mostly pre-empted due to an address from President Elect Joe Biden. ABC and NBC airings return during the Triple Toss-Up, while CBS and some FOX airings return during the Bonus Round. In the Dallas market, KTVT re-airs the episode in its entirety one hour later on sister station KTXA. The episode is re-broadcast nationwide on July 19, 2021.
    • According to multiple local viewers on social media, affiliate WRDE in Salisbury, Maryland accidentally airs an original broadcast print of an episode from no later than Season 34; said viewers noted that the episode contained an original $5K Every Day SPIN ID, which was retired after that season.
    • The category strip in Round 3 disappears after contestant Michael calls H. This is corrected on the July 19, 2021 rerun of this episode.
    • Neither Thing nor Phrase is used in the main game.
    • For only the second known time, the "no more vowels" graphic is used in the Speed-Up.
  • On December 17:
    • The reverse of the Mystery Wedge is not shown when contestant Dawn decides not to flip it.
    • For only the second time this season, a "null" cycle is edited out of the Speed-Up.
  • On December 18:
    • The "no more vowels" graphic does not appear in Round 1.
    • Contestant Cody fills in the entire Round 3 puzzle WHALE-WATCHING EXPEDITION by himself.
    • For the third time this season, a "null" cycle is edited out of the Speed-Up.
    • Neither Thing nor Phrase is used.
  • December 21 is Home for the Holidays, taped October 9. During this week, the post-Round 1 music bumper is an instrumental of a Christmas carol: "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and "Up on the Housetop" on Tuesday and Thursday.
  • On December 21, the Prize is a $7,000 Furniture of America shopping spree.
  • On December 23:
    • The Prize is $7,000 cash courtesy of care.com.
    • The Round 1 puzzle RED & GREEN RIBBONS & BOWS is only the sixth known puzzle to have more than one ampersand.
    • Jim is shown on-camera after he reads the Prize Puzzle copy.
  • On December 24:
    • The Gift Tag is $1,000 cash courtesy of TastyKake.
    • After the winning contestant calls his Bonus Round letters, there is a jump cut to Pat as he verifies which letters were called.
  • On December 25:
    • Due to NFL on FOX, New Orleans affiliate WVUE airs this episode in an unusually early time slot of 11:30 AM Central.
    • Due to NBA overrun, KABC-TV in Los Angeles joins Wheel in progress at the end of Round 1. Against precedent, they do not re-air the episode despite this affecting at least one local contestant. However, the rerun airing one year later airs in its entirety following NBA.
    • Round 2 is a Same Name of CREDIT & WILD CARD.
    • Contestant Terry finishes second with $23,980.
  • Both the original airing of the December 25 episode and its rerun exactly one year later are pre-empted on most ABC affiliates by NBA and most FOX affiliates by NFL.
  • All five Bonus Rounds are lost on the week of December 21, part of a twelve-day losing streak beginning on the 16th. This is also part of a four-week span beginning on November 30 where only two Bonus Rounds are won.
  • December 28 is Happy New Year!, taped October 21. During this week, the category wipe is a pair of champagne glasses clinking.
  • On December 28, during the closing segment, Pat and Vanna show clips from the week of January 6 (which had Vanna hosting and Pat's daughter, Maggie, touching the letters).
  • On December 29:
    • The T-Mobile Puzzle of the Day has a noticeable graphic error, as three additional blank monitors are accidentally overlapped on the bottom right.
    • All three of the Triple Toss-Ups (MOVIE SEQUEL, MOVIE PREQUEL, and MOVIE REMAKE) use only one line.
    • Pat and Vanna show more clips in the closing segment: the Bonus Round of February 6, the Prize Puzzle of February 26, and the Bonus Round of October 12, all of which were solved with very few letters. All of these clips appear to be taken from pre-production masters, as the category strips and music are absent (although a new music cue plays over all of the footage), and the Bonus Round footage shows a full shot of what is normally seen solely inside the contestant window
  • On December 30, contestant Renee mentions that her cousin and husband were both on the show as well.
  • On December 31:
    • Vanna wears a sleeveless top and pants.
    • The $1,000 Toss-Up BEST WISHES uses only one line.
    • In Round 2, Elizabeth declines the Mystery Wedge between Free Play and Lose a Turn twice, but the reverse is not shown either time.
    • The Retro Bonus Round is not done.
    • Pat and Vanna make a toast during the closing chat, and balloons fall on them as they sign off.
    • There is an editing error during the closing chat. In the first version, the background graphic appears by itself a few seconds in; after the transition to the split-screen, the footage within the "window" appears out of sync while also continuing to appear in place of the actual background. A corrected version is sent out to stations at the last minute, but some stations still air the first version.
    • On the January 1, 2022 rerun of this episode, the closing chat's split-screen happens much later than it did in the original airing.

January 2021[]

  • On January 1:
    • Jim is shown on-camera before Round 2.
    • Contestant Megan solves the third Triple Toss-Up JOHNNY DEPP with only the Y showing.
    • The Round 4 puzzle TWO THOUSAND TWENTY-ONE is categorized as Thing instead of Event.
    • Megan wins despite failing to claim $19,700 in the Speed-Up.
    • Megan solves the bonus puzzle NAVY BLAZER despite getting no help from her extra letters.
  • January 4 is America's Game. During this week, a new intro segment is used: there is a graphic of the Pat and Vanna avatars walking onto an animated version of the set, followed by Jim saying "Ladies and gentlemen, here are Pat Sajak and Vanna White!" Pat and Vanna then stand at center stage before they walk to their respective spaces. Likely due to the awkward staging, this intro is not used again.
  • On January 4, there is a $100,000 win, the first time since Season 33 that more than one has occurred in the same season. The contestant later reveals on Instagram that she got to keep the $100,000 envelope.
  • On January 5:
    • Wheel is pre-empted in several West Coast markets due to coverage of the 2020-21 Georgia runoff election. The affected ABC O&O's re-air this episode on Saturday the 9th in place of the weekend repeat.
    • The Round 3 puzzle THE SPARKLING OCEAN is categorized as Thing instead of Place.
  • On January 6:
    • Wheel is pre-empted in many markets (albeit not on most ABC affiliates) due to extended news coverage on the U.S. Capitol protests. Due to said coverage also pre-empting Alex Trebek's third-to-last episode of Jeopardy! taped before his death, several affiliates opt to replace Wheel on the 6th or 7th with a make-up of the January 6 episode of Jeopardy! Despite these pre-emptions, the episode is never rerun.
    • Jim is shown on-camera after reading the Prize copy in Round 2. Unusually, he still has his glasses on.
    • The Round 3 puzzle BEAUTIFUL BLUE LAKES is categorized as Things instead of Places.
    • Contestant Dana finishes with only $11,700. This is the lowest winning score without a Bonus Round win since October 1, 2019, as well as the last such score to date under $12,000.
  • On January 7:
    • Celebrity Wheel of Fortune airs its first episode; any events that happen on a Celebrity episode will be noted on that version's page.
    • Around this point begins a period where ABC airings add promos for Celebrity Wheel of Fortune after Round 1.
    • Owned-and-operated ABC affiliates time the show to immediately transition to the premiere of Celebrity Wheel of Fortune following the regular show's credits.
  • January 11 is Rail Tour, taped October 22. During this week:
    • There is an advertisement before the $2,000 Toss-Up for the Collette Show You the World Giveaway.
    • The 2017 arrangement of the theme is used during the intro.
  • On January 11:
    • CBS Television Distribution rebranded as CBS Media Ventures, though this does not take effect on Wheel for another week.
    • The $1,000 Toss-Up PERFECTLY CHARMING is not themed; however, the $2,000 Toss-Up STAYING ON TRACK is.
    • For the first time since May 18, 2017, and only the fifth time overall, more than one contestant hops on Express.
  • On January 12:
    • The Gift Tag is $500 cash and $500 credit to Pajamagram.
    • For only the third known time, the "no more vowels" graphic is used in the Speed-Up.
  • On January 14:
    • Wheel is partially pre-empted on East Coast CBS affiliates due to an address from President-Elect Joe Biden. 7:00 airings are cut off during Round 4. 7:30 airings begin during Round 3. The full episode is re-broadcast on June 24.
    • Vanna wears a shirt and pants.
  • On January 15:
    • Pat forgets to tell contestant Chris to throw away the Mystery Wedge after he hits Bankrupt.
    • It is the last episode to be distributed by CBS Television Distribution.
    • On the June 25 rerun of this episode, the audio is improperly mixed during the Bonus Round. When the puzzle is solved, the win cues are very quiet, there is no added audience applause on top of the taping's other contestants in the background, and Jim's reading of the car copy starts off almost inaudible before it increases to normal volume halfway through. Also, the contestant's mic feed is audible during most of the copy.
  • January 18 is Collette Show You the World, taped November 4. During this week:
    • There is a cold open:
      • Monday: Pat and Vanna announce the theme from Lucerne, Switzerland.
      • Tuesday: Pat and Vanna announce the theme from Zermatt, Switzerland.
      • Wednesday: Pat and Vanna eat a scone at a restaurant in York, England.
      • Thursday: Pat and Vanna announce the theme from various places in Portugal.
      • Friday: Pat and Vanna joke about baths from Bath, England.
    • The Collette logo appears at center stage.
    • Jim, Pat, and Vanna promote the theme during the Prize copy.
    • Home viewers may submit each day's bonus puzzle to the show's website for a chance to win a trip to Switzerland, England, or Portugal.
  • On January 18:
    • Contestant Caleb fills in the entire Round 3 puzzle MAGNIFICENT ANCIENT RUINS by himself.
    • The CBS Television Distribution closing logo is changed to the new CBS Media Ventures logo. The former remains intact on the January 23 weekend repeat, as well as all episodes on Netflix.
  • On January 19, Jim does a plug for Collette before the closing segment.
  • On January 20:
    • Wheel is pre-empted on most East Coast NBC affiliates due to an address from President Joe Biden. 7:00 airings are pre-empted entirely, while 7:30 airings return by Round 2. The episode is re-broadcast on June 16.
    • All of the cardboard is removed from the Wheel by Round 3; however, the contestant who claims the Million-Dollar Wedge does not win the game.
    • There is a $100,000 loss.
    • In the closing segment, Pat and Vanna show footage of them touring Switzerland, Portugal, and the United Kingdom, with an appearance by chef José Avillez.
  • On January 21:
    • Round 1 is the second Crossword Round this season to have only three words.
    • Both the original airing and the June 17 rerun are pre-empted in some Upstate New York markets.
  • On January 22, contestant Krista nearly falls off the contestant platform while stepping out of the way for Pat to do the Final Spin.
  • January 25 is Winter Break, taped October 23. During this week:
    • The animated intro features the Pat and Vanna avatars ice-skating to form the traditional logo.
    • The Bonus Round is sponsored by Consumer Cellular; except on Tuesday, Jim promotes this before the Bonus Round.
  • On January 25:
    • 7:00 PM Eastern airings of Wheel are at least partially pre-empted in most markets due to coverage of Donald Trump's second impeachment. ABC and NBC airings return by the Triple Toss-Up, while CBS's broadcast pre-empts 7:00 airings entirely, and cuts off the beginning of the show on some 7:30 airings. Although the episode is re-broadcast on February 12, 2022, several 7:00 airings are pre-empted a second time in favor of specials on Black History Month, Super Bowl LVI, or the Beijing Winter Olympics.
    • Contestant Robyn mentions that her mother was on the show in 1980.
    • In the closing segment, Pat and Vanna show a clip of Vanna getting into position to model the Bonus Round car.
  • On January 27:
    • Contestant Kelishea's hometown is never mentioned.
    • Contestant Anjali lands on Express four times but never hops on.
  • Starting January 30, all reruns of episodes that originally aired prior to January 18, 2021 have the previous CBS Television Distribution and/or Sony Pictures Television logos replaced with their current counterparts (except on Netflix). This does not happen on reruns of Jeopardy! or other programs distributed by CBS Media Ventures.

February 2021[]

  • For the entire month of February, the T-Mobile Puzzle is not done. However, T-Mobile still sponsors the Toss-Ups.
  • February 1 is Great American Cities, taped November 5. The cities saluted are Boston on Monday, Seattle on Tuesday, Denver on Wednesday, Nashville on Thursday, and Philadelphia on Friday. During this week, the Gift Tag is $1,000 cash from Krispy Krunchy Chicken on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and $500 cash and $500 credit to Made in America Store on Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Ironically, the August 23 rerun of the February 1 episode is mostly pre-empted in Boston due to overrun from the final round of The Northern Trust golf tournament on CBS (delayed from Sunday the 22nd due to Hurricane Henri); local affiliate WBZ-TV only airs the Triple Toss-Up onwards.
  • On February 2:
    • The $1,000 Toss-Up CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGY is not themed.
    • Round 5 inexplicably goes to Speed-Up with only one consonant remaining.
  • February 8 is Great Outdoors, taped November 6. During this week:
    • Werther's Original sponsors the Bonus Round.
    • The theme was originally Aulani Resort Hawaii Vacation, but was scrapped before production for unknown reasons.
  • On February 8, Pat accidentally gives away two of the words in the Prize Puzzle IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING TO ME? by saying "well, that's really happening" when contestant Natalie lands on $3,500. This is never noticed and does not appear to affect the outcome.
  • On February 10, contestant Gerren wins despite failing to claim $20,000 in Round 4.
  • On February 9 and 10, for the first time, two Bonus Rounds in a row are In the Kitchen.
  • On February 11:
    • Multiple affiliates (most of which are owned by Tegna Inc.) accidentally cut the episode off in the middle of Round 1 to a black screen, then repeat the February 10 episode from Round 2 onward. None of these affiliates acknowledge the error. Although the episode is re-broadcast twice on August 5 and November 27, the former is pre-empted on most NBC affiliates by the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, and the latter on ABC, FOX, and most CBS affiliates by college football.
    • The $2,000 Toss-Up HOME ON THE RANGE is categorized as Title instead of Song Title, likely due to sharing its title with multiple films.
  • On February 12
    • The $1,000 Toss-Up MONUMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT is not themed; as both it and the $2,000 Toss-Up are Thing, this would suggest that the original $1,000 Toss-Up was thrown out.
    • Contestant Junko wins the Mystery Round with only the $10,000 prize.
    • Contestant Junko finishes second with $20,953.
  • February 15 was originally "Main St. USA", possibly referring to a section of the Walt Disney theme parks with the same name. As with the other planned Disney week, it is scrapped before production.
  • February 15 is the second Wheel Across America, taped January 13. This is now-rare instance of a theme being done twice in the same season that is not America's Game, Secret Santa, or a sponsored week. During this week:
    • There is a cold open where Pat and Vanna promote the theme, and the same intro graphic from the previous use of this theme is retained.
    • The Gift Tag is $1,000 cash from RoadTrippers.com on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and from Krispy Krunchy Chicken on Tuesday and Thursday.
  • On February 15, the additional puzzle board frame from Celebrity Wheel of Fortune is made permanent.
  • On February 17:
    • Jim appears on-camera before Round 2, and again after it is solved.
    • Contestant Kevin solves the Round 3 puzzle VACATIONING IN PARADISE with only the I's and N's showing.
    • There is a $100,000 loss.
  • On February 19:
    • Four consecutive turns are lost in Round 1 but none are edited out (an incorrect H, a Bankrupt by a contestant with no money or cardboard, an incorrect R, and an incorrect K).
    • There is an edit when the G's are revealed in Round 3, as Vanna is seen touching the second one before the ding for the first one has sounded.
    • Pat accidentally opens the bonus envelope after taking it from the Bonus Wheel.
  • February 22 is Island Hopping, taped January 27. During this week:
    • The theme originally scheduled for April 5, but was moved up before taping.
    • There are several errors in the closed captioning of both Wheel and Jeopardy! Errors on Wheel this week include:
      • On February 22, the first letter of every word in the puzzle solution is capitalized, instead of just the first word or proper nouns.
      • On February 23, Jim says "drop the top" during the Bonus Round, but the captioning displays "brought the top".
      • On February 23 and 24, Jim is credited as just "man" during the opening.
      • On February 24, Sony Pictures Studios is misspelled as "Sony Picture Studios", the buzzer is mis-identified as "[ bell dings ]" after a wrong letter in Round 3, and several captions are on the bottom of the screen instead of on top. On the October 9, 2021 rerun of this episode, only the latter is corrected.
      • On February 26, Pat says "eats, shoots, and leaves", but the captioning displays "these shoots agree".
  • On February 22, the show gets negative media attention for a moment during the interviews where Pat appears to mock a contestant's lisp.
  • On February 23, contestant Fallon spins Express and calls a correct letter, but calls a repeated S before being asked if she wants to hop on and ends up losing her turn.
  • On February 25, 7:30 Eastern airings on NBC affiliates are cut off before the Bonus Round due to breaking news discussing the United States airstrike on Syria.
  • On February 26, there is a $100,000 loss.

March 2021[]

  • March 1 is Wheel Around the World, taped January 15. During this week:
    • A new intro sequence is created. Pat says "Tonight, we're celebrating the international versions of..." via voiceover before the title chant, while various clips of international adaptations appear on a golden globe. Except on Monday, this is preceded by a cold open in which Pat and Vanna announce the theme.
    • On Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, the hosts of an international version present the Prize: Greece on Monday, Spain on Tuesday, and Denmark on Thursday.
    • Pat, Vanna, and Jim promote the following week's Win a Winnebago giveaway after Round 1.
    • Except on Monday, Pat and Vanna highlight an international version during the closing chat: Romania on Tuesday, Spain on Wednesday, Greece on Thursday, and Poland on Friday. Except on Friday, clips end with the hosts saying "good night" in their native language.
  • On March 1:
    • When contestant Chris lands on the orange $900 in Round 1, the overhead shot is obviously edited in from another episode's Round 3, as Express is visible.
    • The Retro Bonus Round is not done.
    • Pat does not explain Express when it is landed on in Round 3, suggesting an edit.
    • For only the fifth known time, the "only vowels remain" graphic is used in the Speed-Up.
    • After the Bonus Round, there is a shot from behind Pat and the winning contestant's backs which appears to have been added in post-production, as the puzzle board is blank.
    • Despite the week's theme, no international version is shown during the closing chat. This is likely due to the episode running abnormally long, as evidenced by the above-mentioned edits and noticeably rushed pace from the end of Round 3 onward.
  • On March 2:
    • The name tags are done in the pre-Season 32 style; as was the case last time this happened, this is likely due to the original name tags having a misspelled name.
    • The T-Mobile Puzzle of the Week is not done, though T-Mobile still sponsors the Toss-Ups.
    • Unusually, Pat and Vanna do not comment on the closing clips.
    • This is the first of only two episodes from Seasons 38-39 originally with T-Mobile plugs that appeared in the weekend rerun rotation.
  • On March 3:
    • Jennifer fills in the entire Round 2 Crossword RAIL AUTOMOBILE FOOT BIKE (in the category Traveling by ____) by herself.
    • After Round 2, the hosts of the Romanian version do a bumper.
    • Rounds 2 and 3 are played entirely by the contestants who began them.
  • Both the original airing and the October 23, 2021 rerun of the March 3 episode are pre-empted in some markets by local specials and/or college football.
  • On March 4:
    • Former NFL football player Ephraim Salaam is a contestant.
    • After Round 2, the hosts of the Moldovan version do a bumper.
    • After Round 3, Vanna and Jim introduce a new segment called "Wheel of Fortune Memories", sponsored by Prevagen and appearing randomly every week. The first is the 1991 clip of Pat and Vanna in a hot tub together. These are edited out of reruns.
  • On March 5:
    • At least two affiliates — WSAZ-TV in Huntington, West Virginia and KATC in Lafayette, Louisiana — accidentally air the March 4 episode again.
    • After Round 2, the hosts of the Greek version do a bumper.
    • There is a $100,000 win. This is spoiled in the weekly and daily promos, which also show a clip of contestant Katie positioned for the Bonus Round.
  • March 8 is National Parks, taped January 14. During this week:
    • Two new Wii avatar intros are used. The 2006-16 theme is used during these:
      • Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Pat and Vanna protect themselves from Old Faithful's eruption with an umbrella
      • Tuesday and Thursday: Pat takes Vanna's picture with a Polaroid while she stands in front of Mount Rushmore
    • It is also the Win a Winnebago sweepstakes. Home viewers may submit each day's bonus puzzle on the show's website for a chance to win a Winnebago.
    • The weekly promo features a clip of Vanna throwing her arms up near the puzzle board. This clip is her reaction to a $100,000 win that does not air until March 18, and it ends up spoiling some of the letters in that episode's bonus puzzle.
  • On March 8:
    • Wheel is pre-empted on multiple E.W. Scripps-owned stations by a special on diversity and inclusion. All of these stations either delay the March 8 episode to Saturday the 13th, or air this week on a one-day delay from Tuesday-Saturday.
  • On March 9:
    • T-Mobile does not sponsor the Toss-Ups.
    • In what is likely a record, three "null" cycles are cut from the Speed-Up. In total, 12 wrong letters are called.
    • The Round 4 puzzle SIZZLING AND FIZZLING is a rare instance of a puzzle with four Z's in it.
  • On March 11:
    • Wheel is pre-empted in some Mountain Time Zone markets due to an address from President Joe Biden.
    • The Wheel of Fortune Memories clip is Pat and Vanna modeling a Mustang convertible on a turntable during Wheel Across America on April 28, 2000.
    • The first two Triple Toss-Ups (in the category What Are You Doing?) both have the word DOING in them (DOING CARTWHEELS and DOING SOMERSAULTS), a rare instance of a word from the category also being in the answer.
  • On March 12:
    • Mark solves the third Triple Toss-Up ANDERSON COOPER with only the second N showing.
    • Mark solves the bonus puzzle MOVING COMPANY on the buzzer. Although this is initially ruled as a loss (with Pat even opening the envelope), Mark protests that he said the full answer. His answer is checked before the closing chat, at which point Pat opens the envelope again and declares that he has won. Although the show initially posts video of this on their social media pages, it is eventually removed from all of them for unknown reasons.
    • Between the Bonus Round and closing chat, Pat and Vanna do a promotion for Winnebago and the Wheelmobile. Included in this plug is footage of contestant Becca winning a Winnebago on February 7, 2007, as well as various clips of Wheelmobile auditions and related news footage. The closed captioning attributes Vanna's narration to just "woman", and incorrectly says "he won a Winnebago" instead of "she won a Winnebago" when the 2007 clip is shown.
  • March 15 is America's Game. During this week:
    • Werther's Original sponsors the Bonus Round.
    • Due to all the episodes being taped before the set change, the old puzzle board frame is used.
  • On March 15:
    • The $1,000 Toss-Up MAKING A FRESH START is themed to its place in the game instead of to America's Game.
    • The "Wheel of Fortune Memories" clip is Pat adding a "$1" to contestant Diane's scoreboard after she retires with $129,370 on October 23, 1989. On the July 2, 2022 rerun of this episode, this is omitted and replaced with a closed captioning plug.
  • On March 16:
    • As it is the sixth episode of Collette Show You the World, the Collette logo appears at center stage, and the opening and closing clips feature Pat and Vanna in York, England.
    • The T-Mobile puzzle STREAM, SHARE AND CONNECT IN MORE PLACES is only the second known use of a comma on the puzzle board.
  • On March 17, the "no more vowels" graphic is not shown in Round 4 due to the Final Spin wipe occurring at the same time.
  • On March 18:
    • There is a $100,000 win, the first time since April 2012 that the $100,000 has been won twice in a single month. The win is spoiled in the weekly and daily promos, which say that the episode will have the "biggest win of the season", and feature clips of Pat among raining confetti.
    • Contestant Scott donates all of his winnings to Uplift Family Services and L.A. Regional Food Bank.
  • March 22 is Resort Livin', taped January 28. This week was originally scheduled for March 29, but swapped air dates with Gone Fishin' before taping.
  • On March 22:
    • Pat references a cut "null" cycle in Round 2 by saying "try it again" on contestant Adam's first aired turn.
    • The Retro Bonus Round is one not previously used on this feature. The footage is also cut away too soon, allowing only the first of contestant Andy's three more consonants and a vowel to be seen.
    • The "Wheel of Fortune Memories" clip is Vanna showing off her new haircut in December 1995.
    • Adam solves the second Triple Toss-Up DENTAL FLOSS with only the first L showing.
  • On March 24, the bonus puzzle HEAVY LAUNDRY BASKET has at least one each of R, S, T, L, N, and E.
  • On March 25, contestant Karen solves the bonus puzzle JEAN JACKET despite getting no help from her extra letters.
  • On March 26:
    • Wheel is pre-empted in the New York and Chicago markets due to a special on women-owned small businesses. The other ABC O&O's opt to air the special on Saturday the 27th. The episode is re-broadcast on August 20.
    • For the first time, a contestant who lands on Express is unable to "hop on" due to calling the last consonant.
    • All of the puzzles are very short, with Round 3 being the longest at only 18 letters.
  • March 29 is Gone Fishin', taped January 29. During this week:
    • This week was originally scheduled for March 22, but swapped air dates with Resort Livin' before taping.
    • The intro is the same one that was used for this theme in Season 37.
    • The Speed-up wipe is a purple "flash" which uses the same sound effect as the "no more vowels" graphic.
  • On March 29:
    • 7:00 PM Eastern airings of Wheel on FOX affiliates are pre-empted due to a NASCAR race postponed from the previous Sunday.
    • Multiple NBC affiliates accidentally air the March 26 episode again. At least one of them (KXAN-TV in Austin, Texas) properly airs the March 29 episode on Saturday, April 3, replacing the weekend repeat.
    • Contestant Debbie calls the Same Letter on a Mystery Wedge, but she is not credited with the $1,000 bonus, nor does Pat mention it after she flips it to find $10,000 on the back. According to Debbie's friend, she tries to buy a vowel immediately afterwards, but is told she has no spendable cash; this is edited out of the show as aired. Debbie then spins again and calls a wrong consonant. This ultimately does not affect the outcome, as she would not have won even if she had claimed the $10,000.
    • The Retro Bonus Round is not done.
    • The first overhead shot of Round 3 appears to be a reshoot, as the Million-Dollar Wedge is missing despite being present for the rest of the round.
    • Contestant Danielle finishes second with $24,478.
  • On March 30:
    • Pat never says the category of the $2,000 Toss-Up (Food & Drink).
    • The Prize is a $7,000 Dick's Sporting Goods shopping spree.
    • Rounds 1 and 2 are played entirely by the contestants who began them.
    • Melissa solves the second Triple Toss-Up STEAK KNIFE with only the first K showing.
    • Six rounds are played.

April 2021[]

  • On April 1:
    • The "Wheel of Fortune Memories" clip is Pat's bald wig prank from April 1, 2008.
    • Contestant Kevin wins by $100.
  • On April 2:
    • The third Triple Toss-Up JAWS ties the record for the shortest Toss-Up ever used, and the shortest known puzzle ever to be used outside the Bonus Round.
    • The Speed-Up music is cued up incorrectly, causing most of the ending portion to play first.
    • Contestant Josh finishes second with $20,870.
  • April 5 is College Week Spring Break, taped February 11. This week was originally scheduled for March 29, simply under the name "College Week", but was moved and renamed before taping. Due to this season's COVID-19 precautions requiring all contestants to be residents of Southern California or surrounding areas, all but four of the colleges represented this week are from such areas.
  • On April 5:
    • Contestant Felix mentions that his mother Dalet was on the show in 1992.
    • Round 2 is the third Crossword Round this season to have only three words.
  • On April 7, contestant Kyle solves the third Triple Toss-Up LEGGINGS with only the S showing.
  • April 12 is America's Game. During this week, only one Crossword Round is played.
  • On April 12, contestant Dan wins by $47.
  • On April 12 and 13, two Mystery Rounds in a row have a contestant successfully flip the $10,000 Mystery Wedge on the first turn and then lose it to Bankrupt on the next turn.
  • On April 14:
    • Wheel is pre-empted on most West Coast Sinclair-owned stations by a special on wildfire season.
    • For the first time since the introduction of the Prize Puzzles, a puzzle previously used as a Prize Puzzle (CHECKING MY AVAILABILITY from September 17, 2015) is used in the Bonus Round.
  • For unknown reasons, the April 14 episode appears to be barred from reruns. It is not included with the rest of this week's episodes when they are rerun during the week of September 6, instead being individually replaced with the March 18 episode. A rerun of this episode is initially scheduled to appear in the 2021-22 weekend run on June 4, 2022, but is replaced at the last minute with the April 16 episode.
  • On April 15, Pat accidentally gives away the Bonus Round by saying "I'd rather be standing here than there, quite frankly" after the A is revealed in the bonus puzzle QUITE FRANKLY. This ends up not mattering, as the contestant still does not solve.
  • On April 16:
    • As it is the sixth show of College Week Spring Break, three college students play.
    • The second Triple Toss-Up ENERGY DRINK is a rare instance of the category (Food & Drink) also being part of the answer.
    • Same Name, Before & After, and Same Letter are not used despite no Crossword being played.
  • April 19 is California Coast, taped February 25 and 26. During this week:
    • These tapings are split into two days due to Robert Ennis testing positive for COVID-19 after the April 20 episode is recorded. As a result, associate director Patrick O'Brien fills in for the ret of the week, and two America's Game episodes are recorded after the April 23 episode to balance out the schedule.
    • There is a bumper before Round 2 where Pat, Vanna, Jim, and Jimmy Buffett promote the upcoming Home Sweet Home giveaway.
  • On April 19, the Round 2 Same Name puzzle COMEDY & BOOK CLUB has none of the five most common consonants.
  • On April 20:
    • The $2,000 Toss-Up LEMON TREES uses only one line.
    • 7:00 PM Eastern airings of Wheel are interrupted after Round 1 on ABC and NBC affiliates due to a speech from President Joe Biden regarding the Derek Chauvin trial. NBC airings return during the final tally; ABC does not sign off until 7:30, resulting in the beginning of some 7:30 airings being cut off. Although the episode is re-broadcast on July 27, some 7:00 PM NBC airings are pre-empted a second time due to local special programming preceding the Tokyo Olympics, or are replaced with that day's Jeopardy! episode (guest-hosted by actor LeVar Burton) to avoid pre-empting that show with The Olympic Zone at 7:30.
  • On April 21:
    • The "Wheel of Fortune Memories" clip is Pat and Vanna pieing each other in 1991.
    • When the second Triple Toss-Up is solved, the cue for solving the other Toss-Ups is used instead of the four dings.
    • Julia sweeps the game but loses $100,000 in the Bonus Round. This is the first sweep since December 13, 2017.
  • On April 22, the bonus puzzle APPLYING FOR THE POSITION is a rare instance of one under three-and-a-vowel rules to have at least one each of R, S, T, L, N, and E.
  • On April 23, the bonus puzzle FIG BAR is only the sixth one since 2009 to be shorter than seven letters.
  • April 26 is Home Sweet Home, taped February 12, sponsored by Latitude Margaritaville. During this week:
    • One of the Bonus Round prizes is a home at a Margaritaville housing development. One envelope for it is placed on the Bonus Wheel. A "Home" wedge is placed on the blue $550 in Rounds 1-3. Similarly to the Million-Dollar Wedge, winning this results in a second one of the Bonus Round envelopes being replaced with another home. The home offered is in the contestant's choice of Watersound, Florida; Daytona Beach, Florida; or Hilton Head, South Carolina, valued at $375,000. This is the most expensive non-cash prize ever offered on the show. It is also the first time since April 2002 (and only the second time via the Bonus Wheel) that a prize other than cash or a vehicle is offered in the Bonus Round.
    • If the home is won, the confetti is launched.
    • Contestants may submit each day's bonus puzzle on the show's website for a chance to win a home. The official rules state that if the winner does not meet the 55+ age requirement, they can opt to take a $150,000 cash prize, or an alternative house in Westlake, Florida that is available to occupants of any age. Presumably, this also applies to the contestants. The sweepstakes is removed when this week is rerun the week of August 9.
    • From Monday-Wednesday, the closed captioning unusually punctuates the chant with a period instead of an exclamation point. The August 9-11 reruns restore the exclamation point, although the rest of the captions on these episodes remain unaltered.
  • On April 26.
    • The third Triple Toss-Up is WATCHING WHEEL IN THE TV ROOM.
    • During the closing chat, Pat, Vanna, and Jimmy Buffett interview the previous season's Home Sweet Home winner Michael Corbett.
  • On April 27:
    • Contestant Laura wins the Margaritaville home in the Bonus Round. Her total score of $398,690 sets a new record for the highest non-millionaire winnings. After the episode reruns on August 10, Wheel announces that Laura had chosen a home in the Daytona Beach community, which was still being built at the time.
    • The daily promo teases that this episode features "the biggest win of the season."
  • From April 28-30, the sweepstakes entry form accepts any input for the Bonus Round solution, due to many markets being pre-empted by the NFL Draft and local NFL team specials, as well as an address from President Joe Biden affecting West Coast airings on the 28th.
  • On April 28:
    • Contestant Chris incorrectly solves the fully revealed Round 2 Crossword puzzle BELLY LIKE DELETE MUTE by adding "and" between the last two words.
    • All three puzzles in the Triple Toss-Up are categorized as Song Lyrics instead of Song Title.
  • On April 29, contestant Bettina wins by $85.
  • On April 30, the $1,000 Toss-Up AT THIS STAGE OF THE GAME is themed to its place in the show rather than to the week.

May 2021[]

  • May 3 is Mother's Day, taped March 25. During this week, mothers compete.
  • On May 3:
    • The $2,000 Toss-Up is themed (SECRET FAMILY RECIPE) instead of the $1,000 one.
    • The Retro Bonus Round is one not previously used on this feature.
    • There is a rare instance of more than one contestant hopping on Express.
    • The Final Spin cue does not play.
  • On May 4:
    • Contestant Julie solves the second Triple Toss-Up GOLD NECKLACE with only the E showing.
    • Contestant Morgan finishes second with $24,300.
  • On May 5, contestant Shari fills in the Round 3 puzzle ADMIRING THE INFINITY POOL by herself.
  • On May 6:
    • Contestant Julie loses $32,250 to a wrong vowel in Round 2.
    • Contestant Theresa fills in the Round 3 puzzle WE ARE HAVING A BLAST by herself.
  • May 10 is Inns of New England, taped March 10.
  • On May 10:
    • The Retro Bonus Round is not done.
    • The "Wheel of Fortune Memories" clip is Pat and Vanna demonstrating ketchup pouring methods during the week of March 6, 2006.
  • Between May 6 and 10, three Bonus Rounds in a row are What Are You Doing?
  • On May 11, contestant Kathy calls her Wild Card consonant in the Bonus Round prior to her vowel; unlike the previous instances of this, the chyron indicates her letters in the order that she called them, and the wipe for the fourth consonant is adjusted to match.
  • On May 12, contestant Christian wins a Nissan Rogue in the Bonus Round, but footage of the Ford Escape from Great Escapes two weeks later is shown instead.
  • On May 13, the Retro Bonus Round is one not previously used on this feature.
  • Between May 11 and 14, four contestants in a row take the Wild Card to the Bonus Round.
  • All five Bonus Rounds are won on the week of May 10, the first all-win week since June 1-5, 2015. This is also part of an eight-day winning streak through to the 19th.
  • May 17 is Margaritaville Family Vacation, taped March 11. During this week:
    • Unlike past such weeks with a similar theme, teams are not used due to COVID-19. TV listings refer to this week as "Margaritaville Resorts Family Vacation," likely its original name before dropping teams.
    • The Prizes are trips to Margaritaville resorts.
    • Home viewers may submit each day's bonus puzzle on the show's website for a chance to win a trip for ten to Margaritaville Island Reserve Riviera Cancún.
  • On May 17:
    • There is a $100,000 win. This is spoiled in the weekly promo with a clip of Pat fanning the confetti with the envelope. The daily promo also gives this away by showing clips of three previous $100,000 wins and the Margaritaville home win, then teasing that "something big happens again."
    • Season 38 ties a record set by Season 23 and 30 for the most top prize wins in the Bonus Round, with six (counting the Margaritaville home win).
  • On May 18:
    • Jim is shown on-camera after the Prize copy. From this point onward, he has a name tag hanging off his microphone.
    • Contestant Chris finishes second with $20,700.
    • The "Wheel of Fortune Memories" clip is Pat and Vanna talking about prizes they have given away during what appears to be a Season 1 episode. Against normal practice, it is only dated to "the 1980s".
  • On May 19:
    • The daily promo spoils the outcome by showing Pat's Final Spin landing on $5,000 and congratulating contestant Erin for winning $26,000.
    • The $1,000 Toss-Up GOOD LUCK CHARM is not themed.
    • Contestant John finishes second with $24,940.
  • On May 20, neither Thing nor Phrase is used.
  • On May 21, Jim is shown on-camera, sipping a margarita after the Prize Puzzle copy.
  • May 24 is Great Escapes, taped March 12. During this week, the Retro Bonus Round is not done.
  • On May 24, according to one contestant, the original Speed-Up puzzle is thrown out due to Pat accepting a mispronunciation of the intended answer.
  • On May 25:
    • Contestant Kim's boyfriend Mark competed on March 12. Coincidentally, Mark's episode aired the same day this episode was taped.
    • Kim solves the third Triple Toss-Up BUS STOP with only the P showing.
    • Round 4 goes to Speed-Up with only one consonant remaining (the H in SUPERHERO CAPE).
    • During the closing segment, clips from two other closings from earlier this season are shown with their original air dates displayed in the corner. The daily promo incorrectly dates the second clip as January 21, when it was actually from January 1.
  • On May 27, Contestant Suzanne finishes third with $15,000.
  • May 31 is America's Game.
  • On May 31:
    • Contestant Annie's name tag uses the font Helvetica Neue Black Condensed (a bolder variant of the font used for the puzzle board letters, and for the name tags on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune) instead of Arial Black.
    • Contestant Tyler says "oops" after calling N in Round 2, suggesting that a "null" cycle with an incorrect N was edited out earlier in the round.
    • The "Wheel of Fortune Memories" clip is Pat and contestant Gervy slapping each other's butts on May 7, 2003.
    • The original Round 3 is thrown out after it is solved, due to an unknown error that was not noticed until after the puzzle is solved. This ends up not mattering, as the same contestant solves the replacement round as well.
    • For the first time, What Are You Doing? is used four times in one show.
    • After Tyler wins the Bonus Round, the shot of him climbing into the car is re-done due to him having difficulty on the first attempt.

June 2021[]

  • On June 1:
    • Contestant Doug returns due to a judging error on his first episode (October 6, 2017).
    • The original second Triple Toss-Up LYNDON B. JOHNSON is thrown out after it is played due to Pat having accidentally referred to contestant Matthew as "Lyndon" after ringing in, inadvertently giving away the answer (although Matthew claims he did not hear Pat). The entire round is initially played as normal, with Matthew having solved all three puzzles. Since the replacement second puzzle is taped after the round, Matthew can be seen putting away his buzzer after Doug solves, and during the third puzzle, the scoreboards are edited to keep Doug and Matthew's scores consistent. As a result, Matthew's scoreboard remains showing $4,000 while the other two scoreboards switch to the total scores.
    • The third Triple Toss-Up THE ROCK is the only time that a Proper Name puzzle is used only for a person's nickname rather than their full name, or a combination of the two.
    • The original Round 4 is thrown out due to the staff not knowing how to proceed when the bells sound after Matthew calls a wrong letter on Free Play. Against precedent, the Wheel is not reset to start on the center of $5,000 in the replacement round, as it starts with the yellow arrow on the left edge of Free Play.
    • Neither Bankrupt nor Lose a Turn is hit.
  • On June 2, as it is the sixth show of Mother's Day, three mothers play.
  • On June 3, contestant Ron fills in the Round 3 puzzle CALLING MY TRAVEL AGENT by himself.
  • On June 4, the daily promo unusually features a puzzle (WHEEL OF CHEESE) that was obviously faked for the promo, to tie into the episode airing on National Cheese Day: the letters and category are in the wrong font, and the voice clip of the "contestant" solving (who does so by punctuating the words in the style of the show's title chant) was obviously recorded specifically for the promo.
  • June 7 is Father's Day, taped March 26. During this week:
    • All the contestants are fathers.
    • The neon parts of the set are orange and pink.
    • Except on Wednesday, the $1,000 Toss-Up is not themed.
  • On June 7:
    • Contestant Peyman's name tag uses the font used on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune.
    • The Retro Bonus Round is done for the last time.
    • Peyman solves the second Triple Toss-Up PUSH-UPS with only the second S showing.
  • On June 8, the Prize is $7,000 cash and a 40th-anniversary DVD/Blu-Ray set of all four Indiana Jones movies.
  • On June 9, the closed captioning misspells contestant Rob's last name as "Kuranda" instead of "Koronda".
  • On June 10, the Retro Bonus Round is not done.
  • On June 11:
    • The Prize is $7,000 credit to Zenni.
    • Jim is shown on-camera before Round 2.
    • Same Letter appears in Round 2 for the last time. From this point onward, the category only appears in Round 1.
    • Pat does the Final Spin for the last time.


  • From July 12-23, reruns of the Secret Santa Sweepstakes episodes from December 7-18 air with new SPIN IDs, promoted as "Christmas in July". This is the first time outside of Game Show Network that Secret Santa episodes have appeared in reruns. During these reruns:
    • The graphics for the SPIN ID drawings are changed to have a summer theme.
    • The daily promos, rather than plugging the sweepstakes, are summer-themed puzzles filling in Toss-Up style. During all of these promos, the category is in the wrong font.
    • Two episodes have their closing segments replaced with new ones that directly acknowledge airing in the summer.
  • The July 14 rerun of the December 9, 2021 episode features a new closing segment with Pat and Vanna discussing celebrating the holidays during the summer.
  • On July 16, the daily promo features a puzzle (BACKYARD COOKOUT) that was obviously faked; the puzzle's alignment is one space too far to the left (despite Vanna standing in the correct position), the letters are in a grayish tint instead of a bluish one, the blanks have a gradient effect, and the voice clip of the "contestant" solving was obviously recorded specifically for the promo.
  • On July 22 and 23, the respective daily promos once again feature fabricated puzzles and clips of contestants solving (ATTENDING A BALL GAME and PLAYING MARCO POLO, respectively). The latter puzzle's alignment is one space too far to the left.
  • On July 22, the first letter of the SPIN ID does not match the name announced with it.
  • On July 23 (rerun of December 18, 2021):
    • Wheel does not air on most NBC affiliates (except for most 7:00 PM Eastern airings) due to an encore of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics opening ceremonies, which begins at 7:30 PM Eastern instead of the typical 8:00.
    • Likely as a result of the above, none of the three home viewer winners claim their winnings, as evidenced by the running tally of claimed winnings on the show's Twitter.
    • A new closing is featured, in which Pat and Vanna comment on the closure of Christmas in July, with Pat implying that Secret Santa will return in December.
  • On August 31, Mike Richards is fired as executive producer. At this point, 29 episodes of Season 39 have already taped, as well as the entire second season of Celebrity Wheel of Fortune.
  • During the week of September 6, each day's promo is replaced with a new promo for Season 39, which states that the season will have the show's "very first tournament" (which ends up never happening). Las Vegas affiliate KLAS-TV accidentally airs the first of these promos early on Friday, September 3.
  • The September 11 rerun of the April 24, 2020 episode (the final weekend repeat of Season 37) adds a brief Winners Circle segment on September 14, 2020 contestant Jolena Lomax-Brown. The segment features Jolena with a car of a different model than the one from the show. On ABC affiliates (ironically including Jolena's local affiliate KABC-TV), this segment is replaced with a promo for Season 2 of Celebrity Wheel of Fortune. This segment later airs several times as a bumper during Season 39.